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WebPT Multi-Clinic Mode: Permissions and Navigation

Multi-Clinic Mode (MCM also known as Centralized Scheduling) in the WebPT EMR allows you to schedule patients across multiple locations efficiently. To use the MCM feature you'll need to have the specific User Permissions and understand the modified functionality of this feature. Click here to Schedule Patients Using Multi-Clinic Mode.


User Permissions

Clinic Admins will need to ensure the user has the correct User Permissions before the user will be able to access Multi-Clinic Mode. Click here to learn more about User Permissions.

  1. Click on the clinic name and select User Manager from the drop-down.
  2. Use the filter options in the User Search to find the user that needs to be updated. Click here to learn more about Adding a New User.

  3. Click the Edit link found at the end of the user name. This will open the User Profile.
  4. On the User Profile, check Multi-Clinic Mode from the Permissions drop-down, or copy permissions from another user profile.

    Note: If the permission is not available to a specific user type, it will be grayed out.

Turn on Multi-Clinic Mode

Click into the checkbox on the Multi-Clinic Mode bar, to turn it on.

Note: Users can only be in Multi-Clinic Mode or normal EMR mode.

Scheduling Functionality

When the Multi-Clinic Mode is on, the WebPT EMR changes to a focused scheduling mode, this will modify the navigation functions you may be familiar with in the WebPT EMR.

  • The Global navigation tools will not be available while Multi-Clinic Mode is on.
  • Clicking on the WebPT logo will take you to the Scheduler. You will not be able to access the EMR Dashboard until you exit Multi-Clinic Mode.

Exit Multi-Clinic Mode

To exit multi-clinic mode uncheck the box on the Multi-Clinic Mode bar. This action will redirect all open WebPT browser tabs to the WebPT Dashboard.

Scheduler Navigation Tools

The Navigation menus will focus on the tools you may need while working on scheduling patients.  

On the Schedule Actions tab, you'll use Create Event to Schedule patient appointments.

You can Manage Calendar colors, textures, and icons that appear on the calendar.

When necessary you can update your Scheduler Settings to reflect your clinic's days, hours of business, appointment durations and change the Scheduler View from expanded to compressed view.
The Scheduling tab is specific to the Clinic being viewed and will only show the calendars available for the viewed clinic.

If an individual's calendar is not available and should be visible for the clinic this means the user does not have calendar access for scheduling. In these instances, the Clinic Administrator will need to update the calendar access for each calendar you need for scheduling.

The Patient Manager tab allows you to add a new patient, Quick Add a Patient, or search existing patients using Display Patients when scheduling in the selected clinic location.
The Physician Manager tab allows you to add a new physician or search for existing physicians using Display Physicians in the desired scheduling location. Only users with Physician Admin Permissions will be able to add or edit physicians. Click here to learn how to edit the User's Permission.
The Insurance Manager tab allows you to add new insurance or search for existing insurances in the desired scheduling location. Only users with Insurance Admin Permissions will see this tab. Click here to learn how to edit the User's Permission.
The Contact Manager tab allows you to add a new contact such as an attorney, case manager, or referral source. You may also search for an existing contact in the desired scheduling location using Display Contacts.

Search for existing patients in WebPT EMR using Search my patients. Click Advanced Search to define the patient search filters
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