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Copy EMR User Profiles

Clinic admins can create new Users by copying an active or inactive User profile from the clinic location they are logged onto. This will reduce user setup time and entry errors.

  1. Open the Clinic drop-down and select User Manager.
  2. Click Add New User.
  3. Complete the required items in the Profile Details for the User. Visit Add or Edit User Profile (User Manager Only) to learn more about the required fields. 
  4. Use the Select User drop-down in the Copy User Settings section, to type/find the User with the permission set you want to copy then click on the name to populate the Copy User Settings.
  5. Click Copy Permissions, to populate any unique Profile Permissions. 
    Note: Regardless of user type, the Start, Forward, and Finish SOAP Notes permissions are not copied - those must be added manually to the user.
  6. Click Copy Clinic(s) to populate the Clinic(s) locations.
Note: Only unique permissions and locations are added to the User Profile. If the user being copied has access to more locations than the Clinic Admin altering the profile, those locations will not be added to the new user. If needed, you can select a variety of different users to copy permissions and locations to the User profile.

Update Existing user permissions

You can also use this feature to update the permissions and clinics for an existing user.

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