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WebPT Dashboard

The Dashboard is the home screen for the WebPT EMR. It serves as a hub for every function in EMR and you'll be brought here each time you log into the WebPT EMR. You can return here at any time by clicking the WebPT logo in the upper left corner of any page. 

Dashboard Overview

  1. News & Updates â€“ the newest improvements to WebPT with links to additional information in the Community.
  2. At a Glance Alerts â€“ tracks and alerts you to the incomplete patient, physician, and insurance profiles; documentation tasks such as authorizations and prescriptions needed; and Medicare compliance requirements.
  3. Agenda â€“ shows appointments scheduled for the current day. View other dates and print a clean list of appointments. Click here for more information.
  4. New Patients â€“ list of patients added to Patient Manager but do not have a completed Initial Examination. When an IE is finalized, the name will not appear on the list anymore. 
  5. Search my Patients/Advanced Search â€“ type in a few letters of a patient name, Patient ID, or use Advanced Search to open Patient Manager for additional search fields.
  6. Messages â€“ secure internal messaging system for use within your clinic. A red dot shows when you have unread messages. Appointment Reminders usage notification show for Clinic Admins.
  7. Marketplace â€“ a one-stop shop for all things rehab therapy at discounted prices, as well as CEUS and Credentialing.
  8. Community â€“ learn how to do all things WebPT using our knowledge base articles and brief how-to videos. Check system status, provide Product Feedback, join Rehab Nation, and learn about all WebPT Member Benefits.
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