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How to Add or Edit a Physician

Users with Physician Admin permission can add a new physician to safely send documents and accurately track referrals.

Note: Before adding a physician ensure you search for the physician record using Display Physician in the Physician manager, this will help avoid duplicate physician records.

Adding a Physician

  1. Click Add Physician, located under the Physician Manager.
  2. Fill out the physician's information. Required fields include Name, NPI, Phone, Fax, and Address. Ensure the fax and email fields are correct. This information will be used to send your documents to this physician. Note: If you need to quickly add a physician or don't have all of the information when adding the physician, you can complete the fields with filler text (i.e. 000-000-0000 or Blank) and update the information at a later date.
    1. NPI Registry: Utilize the NPI registry lookup tool to help you complete any information you don't have for a physician. Click on the Lookup NPI (!) link to access the NPI registry.
    2. Location Identifier: This is usually used for physicians that may be credentialed in more than one state (i.e. physicians that practice in border towns). Using this field allows you to identify the physician entries.
  3. Click the Add Physician button when complete.

Editing a Physician 

If you need update contact information for one of your physicians, please follow the steps below:

  1. Start by clicking on Display Physicians under the Physician Manager.
  2. Search for the physician using any of the available search fields including Name, NPI, Group Name, Type, Number or Status.
  3. Click on the Physician you need to edit. In the upper right corner of the physician's page, click Edit Physician Profile.
  4. Change any information as needed and use the Edit Physician button to save your changes.
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