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EMR User Profile Permissions

WebPT EMR User Permissions are found within the User Profile and allow users to access certain features and perform certain functions. EMR Users with Edit User permissions in the WebPT EMR can assign and audit user permissions for all EMR users. We recommend at least two EMR users have User Manager Edit User permissions. 

Using the User Manager Search a User Manager can evaluate or audit existing user profile permissions and update a User's Permissions. Additional EMR User auditing can be found in Analytics. You can also read more about Managing Users and Permissions for Large Organizations.

  1. Click on the clinic name and select User Manager from the Clinic drop-down to open the User Manager.
  2. Use the User Search Filter to apply any filters to locate the user or a group of users. Members with Analytics can also audit users using the User Management tool.

  3. Click the Edit link next to the user name.
  4. Select the Permissions drop-down in the Profile Permissions section or copy permissions from another user profile.
  5. Select or deselect the desired permissions.
    Note: Any permissions not available to a specific user type will be grayed out.
  6. Click Save User.

Permission Details

  • View Patients: Provides view-only access to the Patient Manager on the navigation panel.
  • Edit Patients: Provides edit access to the Add Patient and Quick Add Patient in the patient manager on the navigation panel.
  • View Users: Provides access to the User Manager link under the clinic name. The User Manager page allows users to request license adjustments and add additional users.
  • Edit Users: Allows edit permissions for all other user profiles in the clinic as well as changes the status (e.g., Active or Inactive) for other users.
  • Start SOAP Notes: Allows users to add documentation to a patient’s chart.
  • Forward SOAP Notes: Allows users to forward notes to other users for co-signature.
  • Finish SOAP Notes: Allows users to finalize patient documentation. The user manager must complete an attestation if enabling this permission for an assistant user type.
  • Calendar Admin: Provides access to Calendar Settings and User Permissions tab and Clinic Settings tab in Scheduler.
  • Clinic Admin: Provides access to Clinic Settings, Patient Intake Admin, Medicare Fee Schedule, Reminder Usage, Reminder Setup, and Referral Report. This permission also allows users to remove location access from patients.
  • Company Admin: Provides access to WebPT Outcomes Report, Company Fee Schedule, and Company Settings. Company Admins do not see Clinic Settings, Patient Intake Admin, or Medicare Fee Schedule.
  • Edit/Delete Patient Transactions: Allows users to edit/delete Patient Payments. This permission also allows refunds/reversals with the WorldPay credit card processing solution.
  • Insurance Admin: Provides edit access to the Insurance Manager. This will prevent any accidental changes to insurance settings.
  • Billing Report Admin: Provides access to the Billing Report. This will ensure that only users with permissions can review patient billing details.
  • Analytics Access: Provides access to the Analytics feature. Only those with this permission will see the Analytics icon in the header menu. Click here to learn more.
  • Multi-Clinic Mode: Provides access to the Multi-Clinic Mode feature. Click here to learn more.
  • Edit SOAP 2.0 Template/Profiles:(Limited Release) Provides access to SOAP 2.0 Templates/Profiles feature. Only those with this permission will be able to edit SOAP 2.0 Templates and Profiles. Click here to learn more.
  • Physician Admin: Provides users with the ability to add and edit physician profiles in Physician Manager. This will prevent duplicate physicians from being added and any accidental changes to current physician profiles. Users without this permission may only search and view physician profiles.
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