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Tasking FAQ

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most frequently asked questions about Tasking. You can leverage Tasking to create, assign, and monitor action items for individual users or Member Groups. Tasking simplifies communication by providing a central location to manage tasks in support of your WebPT EMR and Billing processes.


Setup Questions

Which applications can Tasking be accessed in?

Tasking can be accessed in both the WebPT EMR and WebPT Billing. However, Single Sign-On must be enabled to access Tasking within WebPT Billing.

I would like to use Tasking in my practice. Who can I reach out to?
If you would like Tasking to be enabled for your practice, use your preferred method to contact our EMR or Billing Support Team. Click here to learn about our support options.

Can I link more than one EMR account to the same Billing account and vice versa?
No. When more than one WebPT EMR account is linked to a WebPT Billing account, the Tasking icon will not display.

Is Single Sign-On (SSO) required to be set up to use Tasking in Billing?
Yes, Single Sign-On must be enabled between the EMR and Billing access Tasking from within Billing. To learn more about SSO, click here.

Can I add Task Types?
No, we recommend creating customizable tags as a workaround. To learn more about creating Task Tags, click here.

Creating and Viewing Tasks

I’m creating a new task but can’t find a user in the “assign to” field; why not?
Make sure: 

  • The user is active in the EMR
  • The user has access to the clinic you are assigning from
  • You are typing the user’s name correctly

I find that I often use the same filters to narrow down the tasks I want to look at. Is there a way for me to save the filters I use to find the tasks I want to see easier?
Yes! Utilize Saved Views to create preset filtered and sorted Task Tables to quickly access regularly viewed tasks. This feature removes the need to re-add the same filters and sorting options anytime you require a specific work queue. With Saved Views, you’ll be able to simply select the work queue you want to view and immediately see those particular tasks. Click here to learn more.

Why are some tasks grayed out?
Tasks that appear grayed out are tasks that your user does not have permission to view. If you need to view that task, a User Manager in your clinic will need to give your user profile access to the clinic associated with the task.

If I have access to one clinic but the patient is seen at two clinics, will I still be able to see/access all tasks for that patient?
Yes. If you have access to at least one of the clinics the patient belongs to, you'll see and have access to all tasks associated with the patient regardless of your access to the other clinics. On the contrary, if you don't have access to any of the patient's clinics, you will not have access to any tasks associated with that patient.

How do I view tasks of a user who was deleted/terminated?
We do not remove users from Tasking. When an employee’s profile in the EMR or Billing is inactivated, all tasks associated with that user will remain. To view these tasks, apply a filter to your Task Table and use the Assigned To column to isolate that user’s tasks. Click here to learn more about filtering tasks.

Note: Tasks cannot be assigned to users with an inactive EMR or WebPT Billing profile.

Can I use a patient’s EMR ID number to search for them in Tasking?
Yes, a patient’s WebPT EMR ID number can be used to search for patients in the search bar. The patient’s EMR ID number will also be visible in the search results and the task detail drawer.

Searching For Tasks

What do I do if the patient doesn’t display in the tasking application when clicking the tasking icon from the patient account?
Navigate to the EMR and resave the patient’s demographics by clicking “Save Patient”.

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