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User Manager Overview

The User Manager in the WebPT EMR helps you manage your WebPT User Licenses and User Profiles. Every WebPT EMR User needs a user license and user profile containing their credentialing information including a Username, Full Name, First and Last Name, Password, User Type, Email address, and WebPT permissions. You must have User Manager permissions to access the User Manager.

User Managers Responsibilities

User Managers can edit Profile Details, assign Profile Permissions, reset Passwords, and upload Profile Pictures and Therapist Signatures.

Note: Usernames and email addresses must be unique to the user. If someone at your clinic has used a username or email address at another clinic or educational institution, they must use a different username and password. 

Provider user profiles also include credentialing information.

WebPT EMR Licenses

At the top right of the User Manager, you can see the number of licenses available to your clinic. The top numbers are the total licenses by type, and the next numbers are licenses available or not assigned to users. You can manage your company's EMR licenses by following the instructions below.

Add WebPT EMR Licenses

There are two steps required when adding an EMR license, click the link below to read more about each step in the process:

You will be notified by email that the license adjustment has been processed, and you can then make the user active.

Release WebPT EMR Licenses

There are two steps required when releasing an EMR license, click the link to read more about each step in the process:

You will be notified by email that the license adjustment has been processed.

Note: Making a user inactive does not automatically release the license and you will continue to be billed. To stop paying for an unused license, you must use the Request License Adjustment function to release the license.
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