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WebPT Tasking Overview

*This product is currently in Early Access to a select group of Members and will be gradually rolled out over the following weeks.

Leverage Tasking to create, assign, and monitor action items for individual users or Member Groups. Tasking simplifies communication by providing a central location to manage tasks in support of your WebPT EMR and Billing processes.

Important: Single Sign-On must be enabled between the EMR and Billing to access Tasking from within Billing. You must sign in from the WebPT EMR or your tasks won't appear.

To help you get started, we recommend starting with the following:


Create tasks for individual to-do items for internal processes and administrative actions related to your organization. Each task contains details about Organization, Type, Task Name, Assignee, Due Date, Status, Priority, and Description. Tasks can be assigned to an individual or group and can be linked to individual patients. Add tags for enhanced filtering and add comments for internal purposes.

To learn more about creating, editing, and completing tasks, click here.

Task Types

Each task is required to be assigned a Task Type. Task Types (Fax, Scheduling, Referral, Prescription, Case Note, Benefits Verification, Contact, Authorizations, General) help to define individual tasks. Types are static, meaning they cannot be created or edited. Task Types work together with Tags and Member Groups to provide enhanced filtering and reporting.

Tasking Comments

Leave a comment on tasks when you need to communicate additional information with other tasking users in your organization. Comments on tasks are visible to all users with access to that task.

Task Tagging

Create unique tags to categorize your work queues and group related tasks together. Tags are specific to each organization and are created at the user level. Possible tags may include 1st Call, Account Question, Benefits Verification, Awaiting Call Back, etc. 

To learn more about tagging, click here.

Member Groups

Create Member Groups for specific roles or teams in your organization such as Clerical Admin, Back Office, and Therapist. Once a group is assigned a task, members can self-assign or assign the task to another group member. 

To learn more about member groups, click here.

  1. From the Tasks table, view any tasks assigned to you or a group you belong to.
  2. Use the arrows to sort the task table by Type. Task Types can be sorted in ascending or descending order. 
  3. Select the Filter icon to filter tasks by Name, Type, Priority, Due Date, Patient, Days Open, Status, Organization, Created By, Assigned To, and Tags. Enter keywords in the search bar and select the checkbox(es) you wish to filter by. Select None to view any tasks that do not have an associated type, priority, status, or tag.
  4. Tasks with past due Due Dates will be marked red. 
  5. Select the Task Queue icon for a summary view of your tasks. The icon contains the total number of tasks assigned to you. This does not include any tasks assigned to groups you belong to.
  6. Select your name in the upper right-hand corner to view the Settings and Log Out drop-down. From the Settings page, select the WebPT logo to navigate back to the Tasks table. 
  7. Select My Tasks to view all tasks that have been assigned to you across all organizations.
  8. Select Group Tasks to view all tasks that have been assigned to the groups that you belong to.
  9. Use the Search bar to filter tasks by keywords or phrases. Use the Saved Views drop-down menu to narrow down the task list.
  10. Hover over the Tags column to view the full description for each tag added to a task.
  11. Select Clear All Filters if you wish to see all of the tasks for your organization. Choose Clear.
  12. The Tasks table now contains all tasks created within your organization(s), including Completed tasks. Tasks with blue checkmarks are Completed. 

Note: Tasks that appear greyed out are tasks that your user does not have permission to view. If you need access to view that task, your manager can update your Tasking Access Settings

Patient Search

Use the Patient Search to identify patients with associated tasks, or to link a patient to a task.

  1. Select the Patient Search bar beneath the WebPT Tasking logo. Filter by company and clinic/location.
  2. Enter at least 3 letters of the patient’s first or last name—or use the patient’s WebPT EMR Patient ID number, and select the patient. Results are based on your user permissions and the clinics/locations you have access to.
    Note: When searching for a patient by first and last name, enter the patient’s entire first name and at least 3 consecutive characters of the patient’s last name. Omit the patient’s middle initial.

  3. Once a patient is selected, the search bar will display the patient’s basic demographic info and all locations that the patient belongs to.
    Note: To help validate that you’ve selected the correct patient, the WebPT EMR Patient ID number is displayed in the patient search results. 
  4.  The Tasks table displays all tasks the patient is linked to. Any tasks created after selecting the patient are automatically linked to the patient.
  5. To filter the patient's task list, select the filter icons in each column to filter by Type, Priority, Due Date, Days Open, Status, Organization, Created By and Assigned To.
  6. Additionally, patients can be manually linked to a task by opening the task and selecting Link Patient.
  7. Once a patient is linked to a task, you can navigate to the patient's chart in SOAP 1.0 by selecting EMR Chart.
    Note: To help validate that you’ve selected the correct patient, the WebPT EMR Patient ID number is displayed in the task detail drawer.

Task ID

All tasks within Tasking have an associated Task ID. Use the Task ID to communicate about a specific task outside of the Tasking application, or to quickly locate a task using the search field. 

The Task ID is located in two places: 

  • On the task table that appears when you enter Tasking, the Task ID is located on the furthest right column.
  • The Task ID is also visible in the details drawer for the task. 
    Note: Clicking the Task ID in the details drawer will automatically copy the Task ID, making it easier to paste elsewhere.

Search by Task ID

Enter the Task ID in the Search field to quickly navigate to a task. 

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