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Insurance Name Change

If an insurance provider changes its name, you will need to create a new insurance provider in the EMR to properly bill the claim.


Add a New Insurance

Let’s review the steps for adding an insurance provider to the EMR.

  1. Navigate to the Insurance Manager and select Add Insurance.

  2. The Add Insurance card displays. Complete the required and desired information for the new insurance provider with the updated name. Review our adding insurance article for more details. 

  3. Once complete, click Add Insurance.

Add the New Insurance to Each Patient’s Profile

Now that the new insurance has been added to the EMR, you need to add the new insurance to each active patient profile. 

  1. Navigate to the Patient Manager and select Display Patients.
  2. Use the search criteria display to narrow down your search results or just click Search All to display all patients.Tip: Search by the previous insurance name to pull up a list of patients that need the new insurance added.
  3. Once you have located the appropriate patient, click on their name in the Patient column.
  4. Next, select Patient Info.
  5. In the Insurance section, click Add Insurance.
  6. Follow the steps in our Add Insurance to a Patient Profile article to complete the process.
  7. Once the new insurance has been added, it displays in the Insurance section.

Add a New Case to a Patient’s Profile

Next, you need to add the new insurance to a new case in the patient’s profile. When changing the insurance, we always recommend adding a new patient case.

  1. In the Cases section, click Add Case.

  2.  Complete the required/desired information for the new case and make sure to select the new insurance from the Primary Insurance drop-down menu.

  3. Follow the steps in our Add Case to a Patient’s Profile article to complete the process.

  4. Once the new case has been added, it displays in the Cases section.

  5. Now that the updated Insurance Provider and Case have been added to the patient’s chart, click Save Patient at the bottom of the screen.

  6. Finally, confirm that the updated insurance provider is showing in the new case’s tab under Records.

Add a Placeholder Initial Exam to the New Case

With the new insurance added and a new case, you are ready to create a placeholder initial exam for the newly added case. If you have not enabled the Evaluation Copy function, follow the instructions here before completing the steps below.

  1. In the Patient Chart, click on the appropriate tab for the newly added case.

  2. Next, from the Patient Record Actions drop down menu, select Add Initial Examination.

  3. Click the Play button.

  4. Then, follow the steps provided in our Placeholder Initial Exam for Non-Medicare Patients article or our Placeholder Initial Exam for Medicare Patients article to complete the process.

Note: If you do not have daily notes that need an addendum associated with the old case/old insurance provider, then you will want to discharge the old case to prevent scheduling appointments incorrectly.

Add an Addendum

If you finalized notes with the incorrect insurance provider,  you’ll need to add an addendum to those notes. This will update the visit to include the new insurance information for billing purposes. 

  1. Navigate to the Patient’s Chart and select the appropriate case tab.

  2.  Then, for the daily notes that need an addendum, click the drop-down menu for the appropriate date of service and select Add Addendum.

  3. Next, click the Play button.

  4. For further information, review our Add an Addendum article.

  5. Once the addendum has been added, make sure to view the PDF to confirm that the insurance name on the PDF matches the new insurance added. Click the Play button next to the addendum.

  6. The PDF should display the updated insurance provider at the top of the page.

Locating Patients to Update Insurance Provider

Now that you’ve added the updated insurance provider in the EMR, you will want to locate all patients in the EMR that need the updated insurance provider added to their Patient Chart for billing. 

Locating Patients in the EMR

If you do not have access to analytics, you will want to follow these instructions to locate the patients that need the updated insurance added to their patient chart. 

Note: You do have the option to turn on access to Analytics in the User Permissions section of the EMR. Review our User Permissions article for more information. 

  1. Navigate to the Patient Manager and select Display Patients.

  2.  In the search box, enter the old insurance name in the Insurance field.

  3. Then, for the Patient and Case Status, select Active and click Search.

  4. Results display below.

  5. Now, you can export the list of these patients to excel by clicking Export to Excel at the top of the Patient Search page. This will create a helpful checklist.

Locating Patients in Analytics

If you have access to Analytics, you can follow these instructions to locate the patients that need the updated insurance added to their patient chart. 

  1. Navigate to Analytics at the top of the page.

  2.  Click the Management menu and select Patient List.

  3. Next, click the Filter button.

  4. From the Filter Column drop-down menu, select Insurance.

  5. Select Equal  (=) from the Comparison drop-down menu.

  6. In the Value field, enter the old insurance name.

  7. Then, click Add.

    Note: Make sure the View Data By menu is set to Active so you only see active patients on your list.

  8. The results display below.

  9. Now, you can export the list of these patients to excel by clicking the Download button.

Billing Integrations

If your organization uses one of the WebPT Billing solutions, there are a few more steps you’ll need to take to ensure the updated insurance provider does not impact billing.


Since you have added the updated insurance provider and a new case to the patient’s chart in the EMR, the new insurance provider will flow over in to Therabill. 

The next step would be to map the new insurance provider in Therabill. Please review the articles below on how to map insurances in Therabill for completing this process. 


Once you have added the new insurance provider in the EMR, you will need to email updates@webpt.com to make sure the new insurance provider is added to RevFlow. In the email, include the new insurance provider information.

WebPT Billing

RevEquip/RevServe Members: Once you have added the new insurance provider in the EMR, you will need to email updates@webpt.com to make sure the new insurance provider is added. In the email, include the new insurance provider information.

Self Service (Software Only) Members: Once the new insurance imports into WebPT Billing, you’ll need to complete the insurance setup from the Incomplete Constants report. You will not be able to bill this insurance until the setup is complete.

Note: If you have any questions or need assistance while completing this process, you can email webptbillngsupport@webpt.com

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