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Add Patient: Case

A new case should be created when:

  • The patient changes insurance mid-treatment (this may occur at the New Year).
  • The patient develops a newly diagnosed, untreated condition
  • The patient returns to therapy after discharge with complaints similar to those treated previously
  • The patient needs an Orthosis Fabrication


Required Fields

  • Case Title
  • Primary Insurance
  • Place of Service (default varies based on the Clinic Settings)
  • Related (Selection may impact available fields in the documentation. Read about accident-related causes, here.)
  • Referring Physician
  • Primary Treatment Clinic (depending on the Clinic Settings)
  • Marketing Referral Contact (depending on the Clinic Settings): You can pick from a list of previously added contacts from the drop-down menu.
  • Assigned Therapist: An assigned therapist needs to be added, but does not limit the ability of the patient to be seen by another therapist.
  • Secondary Payer Code (when Medicare-type insurance is listed as Secondary Insurance)

Tips & Tricks

For better analytical data, it is recommended that you make the following fields required:

  • Primary Treatment Clinic
  • Marketing Referral Contact

Use the Additional Info section to indicate important notes that conveniently appear in the main area of that case’s Records page.

Auth Req Field: When marked Yes, follow the system prompts to enter the additional authorization information after the case details are completed, specifically insurance, auth visits, start and end dates. It is recommended to include the authorization #. 

Note: Please use Add Button to save the details, then ok. 

Record Prescription Field: When marked Yes, the system prompts for additional information after the case details are completed, specifically start and end date, number of visits, frequency, duration, and alert options. 

Apply Modifier Field: Medicare threshold will be displayed on both the patient chart and scheduled appointments; both sides of the office will have access and visibility to the Medicare threshold and the system turns the threshold amount red when the amount reaches $200. 

Note: Everyone has access to this section to apply the KX modifier. 

If the KX modifier is needed, you’ll need to select the KX radio button from the Apply Modifier section. The modifier is solely controlled by this field; reaching or passing the threshold amount will not activate the modifier.

ABN (advanced beneficiary notice form): Access PDF to print and provide to the patient.


WebPT Billing and Therabill

In the Related Cause section, only four reasons directly correlate to selections in WebPT Billing and Therabill:

  • Auto Accident (At Fault/No-Fault) - Selected for auto injuries and indicate accident date and state.
  • Employment Injury - Selected for injuries covered by Worker’s Compensation.
  • Other Accident - Select this option for insurances that required the date of injury or onset date.
  • None of the Above - Selected if treatment is not related to an injury and the insurance does not require an injury date.

Read more about the Accident Date and Date of Injury fields.

If an Authorization is required, select Yes then add the required Authorization.

  • You must include the authorization number to avoid a Pending Authorization rejection in WebPT Billing. You may use 0000 as a placeholder authorization number if needed.


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