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Progress Notes Alerts 2.0

Progress Note Alerts are triggered once 9 notes have been completed (IE or PN + 8 Daily Notes), or 30 days have passed since the last evaluative note on a case.

Important: The Needs Progress Note alert is triggered in the At a Glance Alert section once eight Daily Notes are completed, or 30 days have passed since the last evaluative note. 

Progress Note Alerts in SOAP 2.0

Progress Note alerts will appear when the patient is overdue for a Progress Note. The alert is triggered once:

  • 9 notes have been completed (evaluative note + 8 daily notes);
  • Or 30 days have passed since the last evaluative note on the case
  • For Medicare, alerts are not triggered for 30 days, only for 9 notes
  • You’ll also be prompted to create a Progress Note.
    Note: Daily Notes can still be created from the drop-down menu — with the exception of Medicare patients

  • If the Primary or Secondary insurance is not Medicare and you would like to remove the alert, follow the instructions here to update the patient chart and remove the alert.

Dismissing Alerts

  1. From the Alerts Drawer, click on the Progress Note alert.
  2. Click Delete Alert.
  3. Ensure (1) Yes is selected and click (2) Apply.
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