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Clinic Preferences

You can customize certain preferences for the entire clinic including the frequency of Progress Note Alerts for non-Medicare insurances, Physician Signature Requests in SOAP notes, and Fax Cover Sheets.

To enable any of these preferences, contact WebPT Support by emailing support@webpt.com or calling 1-866-221-1870, option 2, option 1. Support is also available in the WebPT EMR through Live Chat (located in the lower-left corner of your screen).

Progress Note Alerts

For non-Medicare insurances, the system default for Progress Note Alerts is 10 visits or 30 days. You can customize these alerts by:

  1. Custom Days: number of days other than 30
  2. Custom Visits: number of visits other than 10
  3. Advanced Notification: number of days in advance to be notified of a Progress Note need

Note: Medicare Progress Note Alerts are set to 10 visits per Medicare requirements.

Request Physician's Signature in SOAP Note

There is a checkbox on the Plan tab of a SOAP note ( Add Physician Signature Request to this Note) that the therapist can check to include a signature block for a Physician Signature inside a note. You can set preferences to automatically check the checkbox by note type:

  1. Initial Evaluations
  2. Re-Evaluations
  3. Progress Notes
  4. Daily Notes
  5. Discharges

You can select one or all note types to default to the checkbox being checked. The therapist can de-select the checkbox on an individual note if desired.

Fax Cover Sheet Options

The Fax Cover Sheet includes a  Request Physician Signature checkbox. If this box is checked, the fax cover sheet will include the notice Please sign and fax back. You can set preferences to automatically check the checkbox by note type:

  1. All Initial Evaluations, Re-Evaluations, Progress Note, Discharge Summaries
  2. Progress Notes only
  3. Initial Evaluation
  4. Re-Evaluation
  5. Daily Notes
  6. Progress Notes
  7. Flowsheets

You can also opt to display the following information a fax cover sheet:

  • Tax ID
  • Patient insurance information
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