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Clear Medicare Threshold (formerly Cap) from Patient Chart Dashboard display for Non-Medicare Insurance

The Medicare Threshold and some Progress Note alerts may continue to display for Non-Medicare Insurance providers if the insurance has been changed Mid-Treatment from Medicare Insurance to Non-Medicare Insurance. This is not recommended. Instead, you should create a new case to maintain data, reporting consistency, and continue documentation. Use these article links for instructions on how to do this in SOAP 1.0 or SOAP 2.0.

In the event, the Patient Records Case detail reflects the Medicare Threshold amounts but the patient's insurance is not Medicare use the following steps to remove the error message.

Important: This will only work for non-Medicare insurance.

  1. Click Patient Info in the patient's chart.
  2. Click Add Insurance on the Insurance tab.
  3. Select Self Pay (recommended) as the insurance. Click Next, Next, then OK.
  4. Click the Edit icon to open the patient's case where you are experiencing the error. 
  5. Choose Self Pay from the Primary Insurance dropdown and click OK on the case.
  6. Save the patient. 
  7. Reopen the Patient Info window and delete the Self Pay insurance you added.
  8. Edit the patient's case and re-add the previous insurance. Click OK on the case.
  9. Save the patient. 
  10. The error should be cleared from the patient's chart.
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