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How to Export Tasks

*This product is currently in Early Access to a select group of Members and will be gradually rolled out over the following weeks.

Tasking is a tool used to create, assign, and monitor action items for individual users or Member Groups. Some Users prefer to print their task list out when using Tasking and manage it from paper. In this article, we’ll explore how to export lists of tasks to a spreadsheet. 

Exporting Tasks

  1. Click Tasks at the top of your WebPT Dashboard.
  2. Filter the tasks you want to export, or select a Saved View.
  3. Click the (...) menu button near the top right side of the page.

  4. Click Download.

  5. You’ll then receive a confirmation message.

  6. You’ll receive a file containing the tasks by email.

  • Only the user who requested the download will have access to the link in their email. It may take up to 10 minutes for the export to appear in your inbox.
  • After an export is requested, users must wait for the export to appear in their inbox before requesting another export. 
  • Access to the file is available for 72 hours. Users must be logged in to Tasking to access the download.

Included In the Tasking Export

The following information is included in your export:

Column Name                               Column Description
Task Name The name entered for the task (i.e., Reschedule appointment)
Type The option chosen in the Type dropdown menu
Priority The urgency of the task
Due Date The date the task is due to be completed
Patient ID The WebPT EMR Patient ID number
Patient The patient’s full name
Days Open The number of days since the task has been created
Status Status indicates the progress made on the task (i.e., Not Started, Blocked, In Progress, Completed)
Created By The user who created the task
Created At The clinic location where the task was created
Assigned To The user assigned to complete the task
Tags Any tags applied to the task. Tags are used to enhance filtering
Description Additional details about the task
Organization The organization that the clinic who created the task belongs to
Task ID The Task Id number, used to easily communicate about tasks outside of the Tasking platform, and to easily search for tasks within. 
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