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Change Insurance Mid-Treatment (SOAP 2.0)

When a patient changes insurance mid-treatment, it is important that a new case is created so that information flows into WebPT Billing correctly. Every case in SOAP 2.0 must be opened with placeholder Initial Evaluation (IE) to continue documentation.

Add Insurance

Let’s review how to add a new insurance to a patient’s chart and add it to a new case.

  1. Navigate to the patient’s chart and select Patient Info.
  2. On the Insurance tab, select Add Insurance.
  3. Enter all relevant details on each screen and select Ok.
  4. On the Cases tab, select Add Case.
  5. Enter all details from the original case. In the Case Title field, we recommend including a note such as “New Insurance” to distinguish the new case.
  6. Use the drop-down menu to select the new Primary Insurance.
  7. Discharge the previous case to prevent scheduling appointments incorrectly.

Placeholder IE

To start a new case, you will need to create a placeholder IE to continue documentation. A Placeholder IE is a no-charge visit that opens the patient’s case for future documentation in SOAP 2.0.

To review Medicare Placeholder Evaluations, click here.

To review Non-Medicare Placeholder Evaluations, click here.

Be sure to copy over all information you want to carry forward. This may include:

  • Date of Visit
  • Standardized Tests
  • Medical and Treating Diagnoses
  • Plan of Care dates

Because this is a Placeholder IE, select the Do Not Bill checkbox in the Charge Summary section,

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