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OMTs Role in Patient Treatment

Patients come to therapy or are referred to therapy in order to rehabilitate or improve their quality of life after an injury, loss, or deficit in function and to habilitate or gain function due to other limitations. The goal of therapy is to provide treatment to improve or build upon the original function the patient presented upon their Initial Evaluation. The Outcome Measurement Tools (OMTs) help determine if the patient is meeting their identified goals through the provided treatment (effectiveness of care) and patient experience data. The OMT incorporates patient perception and physical performance measurements. 

Patient Perception

Patient perception is captured through administering the appropriate Outcome Measurement Tool (OMT) for their specific complaint. Reviewing how the patient feels about their progress and care helps the therapist to determine if treatment is progressing successfully. Ultimately, the patient’s satisfaction and perception of the quality of care determine the efficacy of treatment. By providing a proactive approach to their treatment, you’ll be able to correct any issues that may develop and give you the opportunity to identify specific patients who report unsatisfactory scores. Therefore, it is essential to administer the appropriate questionnaire to determine if you are meeting or exceeding the patient’s expectations.

Minimum Clinically Important Difference (MCID)

An important concept in patient-reported outcomes is the Minimum Clinically Important Difference (MCID). The Minimum Clinically Important Difference (MCID) is the smallest amount an outcome must change for a patient to identify it as a meaningful improvement. When this number is met or exceeded the therapist can be reasonably certain the patient has made a functional improvement. The Minimum Clinically Important Difference (MCID) can be found in both Risk-Adjusted and Non-Risk-Adjusted OMTs. You can find these values here

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