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Patient Perception Report

The Patient Perception report allows you to view data by patient satisfaction, patient functional improvement, or patient goals met. 

In this article, we’ll cover

  1. Locate and Run the Report
  2. Patient Perception: Satisfaction Field Descriptions
  3. Patient Perception: Functional Improvement Field Descriptions
  4. Patient Perception: Goals Met Field Descriptions
Note: If the Completion of Care numbers in these reports differ from the numbers in the Utilization report, this is due to satisfaction questions not being present on certain OMTs.

Locate and Run the Report

Only a Company Admin can access Outcomes Reports.

  1. In the Reports toolbar, select Outcome Reports.

  2. Then, in the Company Reports category, select Patient Perception.

  3. To run the report, select the date range you’d like to view.

  4. Then, in the Question Breakdown section, choose the area of focus for the report (Satisfaction, Functional Improvement, or Goals Met).

  5. You can further filter the report to show specific therapists, questionnaires, locations, diagnosis, physician, payer class, litigation, direct access, work status, and/or employer.

  6. Once you’ve selected the report parameters click Run Report at the top of the screen.

  7. Your report opens in a new window as a PDF file. Make sure to enable pop-ups in your browser settings for http://app.webpt.com

    Patient Perception: Satisfaction Field Descriptions 

    This report shows patient responses to the question: “How satisfied are you with the level of care and service provided?”
    Very Satisfied to Very Unsatisfied: This is a breakdown of how patients rated their satisfaction, listed by clinic.
    Average Visits: The mean number of visits for all cases, from Initial Examination to Discharge.
    Total Completion of Care Visits:  Use this number to gauge your sample size for these patient perception questions. i.e. the Demo Physical Therapy clinic has three completions of care, this means the clinic’s sample size is three patients.

    Patient Perception: Functional Improvement Field Descriptions

    This report displays patient responses to the question: “Please rate your progress with functional activities from start of therapy to this point in time.”
    Very Satisfied to Very Unsatisfied: This is a breakdown of how patients rated their satisfaction, listed by provider.
    Average Visits: The mean number of visits for all cases from Initial Examination to Discharge.
    Total Completion of Care Visits:  Use this number to gauge your sample size for these patient perception questions. i.e. Tom Smith has three Completions of Care, which means that he has a sample size of three patients.  

    Patient Perception: Goals Met Field Descriptions

    This report shows  patient responses to the question: “At this point in your treatment, have your therapy goals been met?”
    Very Satisfied to Very Unsatisfied: This is a breakdown of how patients rated their satisfaction, listed by provider.
    Average Visits: The mean number of visits for all cases from Initial Examination to Discharge.
    Total Completion of Care Visits:  Use this number to gauge the sample size for these patient perception questions. i.e. Tom Smith has three Completions of Care, which means his sample size is three patients

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