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Duration of Care Report

The Duration of Care report breaks down the number of patients seen by individual therapists. Use this report to view each therapist's average number of visits per patient, number of patients seen, and total visits. 

In this article, we’ll cover

  1. Locate and Run the Report
  2. Duration of Care Field Descriptions

Locate & Run the Report

Only a Company Admin can access Outcomes Reports.

  1. In the Reports toolbar, select Outcome Reports.

  2. In the Company Reports category, select Duration of Care.

  3. To run the report, select the date range you’d like to view or run the report for all dates by checking the All Dates box.

  4. You can further filter the report to show specific therapists, questionnaires, locations, diagnosis, physician, payer class, litigation, direct access, work status, and/or employer.

  5. Once you’ve selected the report parameters click Run Report at the top of the screen.

  6. Your report opens in a new window as a PDF file. Make sure to enable pop-ups in your browser settings for http://app.webpt.com

    Duration of Care Field Descriptions 

    Tip: This report only displays data for patients with a complete data set. Additionally, only notes finalized within the selected date range will display. 

    Note: A complete data set is comprised of a completed outcomes survey on the Initial Evaluation and Discharge Summary. However, if the case has a Progress Note with a completed outcomes survey and the patient was Quick Discharged, the system will convert the Progress Note Survey to a Discharge survey. This ensures a complete data set for patients who self-discharge or are otherwise unable to complete their course of care.

    This report is broken down by the therapist.

    Average Visits: The average number of visits per patient (you can think of this as the average number of finalized notes).

    Number of Patients: This is the number of patients with a complete data set (as described above) 

    Total Visits: This represents the total amount of visits for patients included in this report. 

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