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Alert: There is not a current signed Plan of Care in eDocs for this case

All SOAP 2.0 patients with Medicare insurance will have the alert “There is not a current signed Plan of Care in eDocs for this case.” This alert will remain until a Plan of Care is uploaded to the patient’s eDoc. Let’s review. 

  1. Click eDocs at the top of the Patient Profile.
  2. Upload the patient’s signed Plan of Care.
    1. Select Plan of Care from the Document Type drop-down. 
    2. Enter the Expiration Date. If this date has already passed, the alert will remain as the plan of care will not be current. 
    3. Ensure the correct Assigned Case is selected or the alert will remain.
    4. Check the Signed Document box. 
    5. Select the Assigned Note from the Available Note drop-down. Available Notes must be listed as a Medicare Certification or Re-certification within the note.
    6. Select the Physician from the drop-down.
    7. Save the document.
  3. The alert will no longer appear on the patient's SOAP 2.0 chart until the plan of care expires.
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