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Can I Start a Note and Finalize it Later?

Yes, you can save in-progress notes to complete later. However, do not finalize your notes out of order. For example, if you've saved the Initial Examination as a draft, do not finalize the patient's next daily note until you've finalized the Initial Examination. Finalizing notes out of order, or failing to finalize your IE in a timely manner, can create many issues including incorrect Plan of Care dates. This can potentially lead to delays or denials when billing.  

  1. SOAP 2.0 notes automatically save every 60 seconds. The Last saved date and time are displayed below the Sign button. 
  2. If you need to leave your SOAP note and come back to it later, you can use the Menu [...] and select Save and Exit.
  3. Back on the Patient's record page, the note will be listed as In Progress. When you're ready, click on the note to continue documenting. As a best practice, all notes should be finalized in order. Please finalize the previous note before creating another one, this ensures information carries forward correctly.
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