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Message Manager Overview

*This product is currently in Early Access to a select group of Members and will be gradually rolled out over the following weeks.

Message Manager is WebPT's communication platform that equips Members to manage all inbound and outbound communication – whether through digital fax or direct secure messaging (DSM) – all directly from the WebPT platform. This enables your clinic to quickly and easily communicate with any external provider, regardless of the platform used on their end. It helps rehab therapy businesses save time and money, while providing a secure and HIPAA-compliant way to exchange protected health information.

In this article, we’ll cover how both faxes and DSM are sent and received in Message Manager.

Inbound Faxes

Every WebPT Member has the ability to send outbound faxes. Members who use Message Manager also have the ability to receive inbound faxes. 

When an inbound fax is received, it’ll appear in the Tasks Table in Tasking. To see all of the faxes you’ve received, filter the Type column by Fax. All inbound faxes will show Message manager in the Created By column.

Click the name of the Task to view the Task details.

Click the down arrow to view the fax. 

If the fax is about a specific patient, click Link Patient to associate the task with the patient’s chart. Once the task is linked to a patient, you can then add the attachment from the fax directly to the eDocs section of the patient’s chart. 

Faxes from referral sources can be documented as such by changing the Task Type to Referral. Referral Tasks will have an additional tab called New Patient Referral where additional information about the referral can be documented. To learn more about the Referral Task type, visit this article

To view all of the faxes you’ve received, click the filter icon in the Type column and select Fax


Direct Secure Messaging is an encrypted email tool that allows clinicians to send protected health information about their patients through a secure encrypted network. It is done through a standards‐based protocol called the Direct framework. 

Direct Secure Messaging improves coordination of care between healthcare providers and their patients by providing the ability to securely communicate with other healthcare providers. Instead of mailing or faxing your patient’s information, which could take hours or days and is not secure, DSM enables sending and seeking information about your patient’s health record within minutes. DSM gives clinicians timely clinical details and helps address the significant gaps in information that occur during transitions of care. These are just a few key clinical documents for which DSM can be used:

  • Transitions of care
  • New patient referrals
  • Plans of Care

With Message Manager, you can both send and receive DSM, opening your practice up to communications with many providers that are required to use DSM to remain compliant with the MIPS Promoting Interoperability category. 

Note: After Message Manager is set up in your practice, be sure to let your referral sources know they can communicate with you via Direct Secure Message! 


When an inbound DSM is received, it’ll appear in the Tasks Table in Tasking. To see all of the DSMs you’ve received, filter the Type column by DSM. All inbound DSMs will show Message manager in the Created By column.

Click the name of the Task to view the Task details.

Click the down arrow to view the DSM. 

If the DSM is about a specific patient, click Link Patient to associate the task with the patient’s chart. Once the task is linked to a patient, you can then add the attachment from the fax directly to the eDocs section of the patient’s chart. 

DSMs from referral sources can be documented as such by changing the Task Type to Referral. Referral Tasks will have an additional tab called New Patient Referral where additional information about the referral can be documented. To learn more about the Referral Task type, visit this article

To view all of the DSMs you’ve received, click the filter icon in the Type column and select DSM


Sending a DSM from the WebPT EMR is a lot like sending a fax. After selecting the documents you’d like to send, the referring physicians documented on the patient’s case will automatically be selected as recipients if they have a DSM address listed in their profile. 

Document a Physician’s DSM Address

To document a physician’s DSM address, a user with the physician admin permission can edit the physician in the WebPT EMR

If you don’t know the physician’s address, click Lookup Address to search for the physician’s address in the database. Once clicked, the WebPT EMR will use the information entered about the physician to look for their address and automatically fill the field out. 

Click Add Physician to save the physician’s profile.

Send a DSM

  1. On the patient’s chart, click the checkbox to select the documents you’d like to send. 
  2. Click Send.
  3. The Send popup will populate the referring physicians documented on the patient’s case. If the referring physician has a DSM address, they’ll appear in the DSM field. Otherwise, they’ll appear in the Fax field.
    Note: Faxes and DSMs cannot be sent simultaneously. When multiple referring physicians are documented on a case, all will appear in the DSM field if they have their DSM addresses documented. If one of the physicians does not have a DSM address, all referring physicians will populate in the fax field. 
  4. Click Send.

You can find all of the DSMs you’ve sent in the Outbound Communication Log

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