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Learner Enrollment Report

Feature only available to users with Manager Permissions.

Using WebPT University, you can create reports listing learners, their enrolled courses, and their enrollment status. This report provides a significant amount of raw data that may require manipulation in spreadsheet software (i.e., in Excel or Google Sheets) to filter for specific data sets.

Note: Depending on the number of learners in your groups, it may be necessary to run multiple reports and aggregate the results using spreadsheet software.

Create a Leaner Enrollment Report

To create a leaner enrollment report:

  1. Open the Reports menu.
  2. For the Report Type, select Course Status.
  3. Select the course or courses you’d like to create a report for.

    Note: Hold the “Ctrl” button on your keyboard while clicking your mouse to select multiple courses.
  4. Filter for a User Status and/or User Type as needed.

    User Status - Create a report that excludes users who’ve had their login disabled.
    User Type - Create a report which excludes users who are Instructors or Managers.
  5. Choose a date range for the report or leave it blank to report on data for all time.
    Note: Larger groups of users may not be able to create a single report for all the data available and will have to create multiple reports using date ranges.
  6. Choose which groups of users to include in the report.
    • Larger groups of users may not be able to create a single report for all groups available, and will have to create a report for each group.
    • The groups available to you are based on your permissions. If you need assistance updating your permissions, please reach out to Membereducation@webpt.com.
  7. Filter for specific statuses you want in the report or leave blank to include all statuses.
    Note: Leave blank if you’d like to see the different progress points of all your users. Larger groups may need to run a report for each status, then aggregate it within spreadsheet software.
  8. Click Export to CSV to create a .CSV file with your data.
  9. Click the available here for download link, to download the report.
  10. Your report should now be available as .CSV file in your downloads.
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