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Tasking and Your WebPT EMR Data

Tasking uses data from the WebPT EMR, which means that when something is updated in the WebPT EMR, it will change in Tasking as well. In this article, we’ll review where the data in Tasking comes from, and when to expect changes to the WebPT EMR to reflect in Tasking.

Patient Information

When Patient Info is added or edited in the WebPT EMR, the data will immediately update in Tasking. 

Let’s review the illustrations below to discover the origin of the data present in Tasking:


Reference WebPT EMR Source Tasking Location
A WebPT EMR ID Number The WebPT EMR ID number will appear in the Tasking patient search results and the Task Detail Drawer
B Name (First, Middle, Last) The patient’s name will appear in the Tasking patient search results, Task Table, Task Detail Drawer
C Gender The patient’s gender will appear in the Tasking patient search results
D Date of Birth The patient’s date of birth will appear in the Tasking patient search results
E Phone Number The patient’s phone number will appear in the Tasking patient search results

Note: Any clinic locations added to the patient chart will also display in the Tasking patient search results.

The images below illustrate how the information from the WebPT EMR is displayed in the Tasking Patient Search results, Task Detail Drawer and the Task Table.

Tasking Patient Search Results

Task Detail Drawer

Task Table

User Information

When a new user profile is created in the WebPT EMR, it'll have access to Tasking right away, and appear as an option to assign tasks to. Additionally, when a user's clinic access is updated in the WebPT EMR, that user will be able to access and create tasks for that clinic immediately in Tasking.

Clinic Information

Certain changes in the WebPT EMR, such as the name of the company and the name of the location may take up to 6 hours to reflect in Tasking. 

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