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Viewing Authorizations from Patient Appointments

You can now see the status of the primary and secondary insurance Authorizations when hovering over Appointments from the Scheduler. Depending on the Authorization provided, you’ll see the Authorized Visits or Units used out of the allotted amount, as well as the expiration date. 

To add this feature to your Scheduler, you'll need to enable it within Company Settings.

Enabling Authorizations Alerts in the Scheduler

  1. Open the clinic menu and select Company Settings.

  2. Scroll down to the Authorization (Scheduler) Alerts section and click On.
  3. Use the text fields to enter the values that determine when you start seeing the remaining Authorizations.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Settings.

Once the Authorization alerts are enabled, hover your mouse over an appointment block to see the appointment details and display the Authorized visits used along with the Authorization expiration date at the bottom of the pop-up.

In the example below, the Authorization Alert was triggered to display because it expires within the established “Days before Authorization Expiration” value.

How Authorization (Scheduler) Alerts Work

Take the following items into consideration for how the Authorization (Scheduler) Alerts work.

  • Authorization (Scheduler) Alerts only apply to Active patient cases when Authorization Requested is set to Yes in the patient case.

  • The Authorization data displayed is the same as what is shown on the Patient Records page for the appointment's case.
  • If the Authorization is based on Visits, the Authorization alert will display the Visits used.
  • If the Authorization is based on Units, the Authorization alert will display Units used.
    Note: This functionality is only available for Members who use WebPT Billing and SOAP 2.0.
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