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Month End: Analytics FAQs

WebPT EMR + WebPT Billing Members have access to the WebPT Billing month-end reports within WebPT Analytics, allowing the ability to compare with current Billing month-end reports.


Which reports are available?

The following reports are now available to WebPT EMR + WebPT Billing Members:

How do I access these new reports?

In order to successfully access the reports once they’re available, we suggest you:

  • Contact your WebPT administrator for access. You must have WebPT EMR credentials and Analytics permissions assigning you the AnalyticsBilling role or Admin role. Once assigned the Analytics Billing role, you have access to all Month End reports.
  • Use Single Sign-On.

Once you are set up, you can access Analytics through the EMR ( Access through Billing is coming soon).

I don't know how to use Analytics, can you help me?

You can learn the basics or become an expert.  

The Analytics 101 course is designed to get you familiar with the most essential Analytics features within minutes, and the Analytics Certification training course teaches you how to use more advanced features that can assist in additional insights and drill-down capabilities that current month-end billing reports don’t provide. To access either of these courses, sign in to the WebPT University, search for the training course you wish to take, and click the Enroll button at the top right to start the course.

Additionally, the WebPT knowledge base has helpful articles on each report and goes into more detail on running and customizing each report.

I have access to the Month End reports, but when I run them, they are empty. Why?

These reports must be accessed through WebPT Billing. If you are using another system, the reports will be empty.

I've closed this month's books and ran the reports, but there isn’t any data for the month, only prior months.  When will the data be available?

Month-end reports are updated nightly beginning at 11:00 PM MST.  Data associated with months closed prior to that time will be available after the process completes (typically at approximately 4:00 AM the next day). Only data associated with month-end close processes that have been completed by 11:00 PM are included. If you’ve requested your month-end close before 11:00 PM, your reports will be available the next morning.

What locations’ data is included in the reports?

The data included for reporting is based on the access you have to any locations using WebPT EMR. You may select one or more, or all locations for your company to be included in your report.

The reports don't look correct. How can I check to see if they’re right and who can I contact with questions?

First, confirm the locations you've selected for the report.

  • Did you select all or too many? 
  • Do you have the same location permissions in the WebPT EMR as you do in WebPT Billing? If after checking your location access you notice they’re not the same and a location is missing, please contact your WebPT administrator to update your location permissions.
  • Are any clinics missing? If so, have your WebPT administrator confirm your location permissions. If your WebPT administrator cannot locate your permissions, please contact WebPT Billing Support.

Next, look at which clinics may have an accounts receivable balance but no active charges or payments since January 2021. It’s possible these clinics were closed but the team is still working down the AR. For each of the above where clinics may not yet be in the EMR, WebPT is working diligently to have them added. Until those are done, the totals may be different. To confirm, select the same companies in both Billing and Analytics to see if they now match. 

If the information still doesn’t look accurate, please contact WebPT Billing Support with details about which numbers aren’t correct, what you’re expecting to see, and which numbers you’re seeing instead.

I have created a month-end report with filters that I need to support a specific export or view that I like to work with. Can I share it with others in my clinic?

Absolutely! Sharing reports is a great way to save time and doesn't require each person to create the same report. First, save your report, then share your report with others. You'll need to ensure the user selects the appropriate locations or views when saving a report.

Why does it take so long to export my report data? Do I have any other options?

The amount of time it takes to run and export your report depends upon how much data is being processed and included. Typically, exporting to a CSV is quicker than exporting to Excel; however, this may require you to add your own column or row totals, or format data to your liking (things that are often included in Excel exports).

My report keeps timing out when I try to run it. Please help!

Please contact WebPT Billing Support and we’d be happy to help you.

Why am I seeing locations that I haven’t seen before? 

The financial reports in Analytics are based on how your company is set up within the WebPT EMR, so you may see a clinic that wasn’t previously there. For reporting purposes, we identified all clinics with an active charge or payment since January 1, 2021, and associated them with your company so you have all financials and they align with your previous RevFlow month-end reports. If you’re seeing a clinic that shouldn’t be used, please:

  • Make the corrections necessary to remove the associated charges or payments; and then
  • Contact either WebPT EMR or Billing Support to indicate which clinic(s) should no longer be available. 

If you have specific questions or issues with these financial reports, please contact the WebPT Billing Support team.

I see reports in WebPT Billing that have the same name as reports in Analytics. Which one should I use?

We recommend using the reports in WebPT Billing for accurate month-end reporting. To avoid confusion, we will remove these reports from Analytics.

Work in progress, what else should I know about?

We are working with some of our Members to confirm that the data in their new Analytics reports matches previous RevFlow reports. So Far, this process identified an issue where a company has locations set up in RevFlow and not in the EMR, and has also uncovered some additional issues where a specific field was overlooked or the format wasn’t quite right. We are actively addressing issues to improve overall usability, accuracy, and performance based on feedback.

Month End Dashboard, KPI Metric

  • Within RevFlow, a dashboard that incorporated key metrics from each of the month-end reports was available. We will incorporate once all other month-end reporting is working as expected.

General Export Issues

  • Total columns are not yet available in some reports.
  • The name of the report and timestamp are not yet included.
  • The amount needs to be updated to currency format in some reports.

We understand the importance of having your month-end reports available as soon as possible after you close the books. Once we have our month-end reports working as expected, we will be focusing on improving their availability so that you can run them the same day that you close.

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