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Work Tasks Assigned by the WebPT RCM Team

This article is exclusively for WebPT RCM Members and is currently in Limited Release to a select group of Members and will be gradually rolled out over the following weeks. For Self-Service, please see Tasking Overview.


Keep track of individual to-do items for internal processes and administrative actions related to a patient or your organization in a HIPAA-secure, easily audited platform with Tasking. 

In Tasking, all of the correspondence for a given patient is linked to the patient’s account. This provides:

  • A practice-wide audit trail of open and completed tasks
  • No more need to email WebPT directly, just task the WebPT Group in-app (Only for non-self service Members)
  • Easily and confidently share PHI within the secure environment
  • Minimize delays in processing claims. 

Receiving a Task from WebPT RCM Team

The ability to be assigned a task by an RCM group is available exclusively for Members who use RCM services (previously known as RevServe and/or RevEquip).

No more email threads--see your assigned to-dos from the WebPT RCM Team right within Tasking.

  1. After logging into Tasking, select the Task Queue icon for a summary view of your tasks. The icon contains the total number of tasks assigned to you directly. This number reflects the same number as My Tasks, and does not include any tasks assigned to groups you belong to.Or, select Group Tasks to view all tasks that have been assigned to you across all organizations. Member Groups exist so that tasks that are relevant for specific roles or teams (such as Clerical Admin, Back Office, and Therapist) can be brought to the attention of those best equipped to help.
    Note: Once a group is assigned a task, Members can self-assign or assign the task to another member within that group.
  2. When viewing your tasks in either view, use the Filter icon to filter tasks by Name, Type, Priority, Due Date, Patient, Days Open, Status, Organization, Created By, Assigned To, and Tags. Enter keywords in the search bar and select the checkbox(es) you wish to filter by for each. Recommended filters to help work through your tasks include: 
  • Created By to see Tasks assigned by a WebPT RCM team representative
  • Priority or Due Date to work tasks by urgency level or time sensitivity 
  • Type to filter by a certain type of task (i.e.: to work through all claims rejections at one time).

3. Click on a task for more detail—see the thread of communication between everyone who has worked on the task, add comments, or to record any outreach efforts that you’ve made in a Contact Form.

4. When you have completed a task, click the Mark Complete button.

5. The completed task will also show up in the task table with a blue check mark to indicate its completion. A task can also be marked complete at any time from the task table by clicking on a task’s associated checkmark.

The WebPT RCM Team will typically wait two weeks for a response to a task at your organization. If there has been no response after two weeks, the account will be suspended until a response is received.
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