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June Release Recap


  • Prevent Note Finalization Quick Add Setting: WebPT EMR + WebPT Billing and Therabill Members with the Quick Add setting currently turned on will now have the Prevent Note Finalization subsetting enabled. This setting has been created to help clinics reduce claim submission errors due to incomplete patient information. With the setting enabled, clerical users and therapists will be required to complete patients’ records before note finalization. If the information isn’t added prior to the first appointment, the therapist will be prevented from finalizing the note. 
  • SOAP 2.0
    • New Tests
      • Added Empty Can Test to Special Tests Sitting
      • Added Standardized Test CCFFIS (Wexner Score) for Pelvic Health
      • Added Additional Comments section to Sensation Subsection (D-07996)


  • Physician Search: The Group Name search field on the Physician Search page has been updated to be less restrictive. Members can now search with keywords or words with three or more characters from the Group Name to find physicians instead of typing in the exact Group Name. Additionally, group names will be added to the search results and Excel export to provide additional physician information.
  • Added Place of Service 19: The Off Campus-Outpatient Hospital (19) Place of Service has been added to the WebPT EMR. Additionally, Therabill and WebPT Billing have been updated to include this new Place of Service. Members using other billing applications should check with them before using the new Place of Service to ensure they’re able to receive it.
  • SOAP 2.0
    • Updated PDF Header: The finalized note and flowsheet PDFs now include the WebPT EMR ID or the Alternate Patient ID (if one is entered) and the patient’s worker’s compensation claim number.
    • Updated 2021 ICD-10 Codes: As of October 2020, a group of common ICD-10 codes (including R51, G96.8, M92.51, M92.52) were replaced by more specific codes. The SOAP notes have been updated to ensure therapists are billing correctly. Please note: there should be no impact to existing notes that have deleted codes.


  • MIPS Tab: Previously, the MIPS Tab would be incorrectly visible for patients under 12 years old. This issue has been resolved and the MIPS Tab is no longer displayed for patients under 12 years old.
  • SOAP 2.0
    • MIPS Reporting Logic: In order for providers to accurately report MIPS, the reporting logic has been updated so that measures can be reported at each eligible encounter. Previously, reporting was restricted to once per reporting period.
    • Analytics Data Updates: Previously the process for sending SOAP 2.0 data to Analytics would occasionally fail, leading to missing data. This issue has been resolved and all SOAP 2.0 data will be resent to Analytics. This fix will also notify teams if data isn't sent in the future.
    • Concurrent Treatment/Code Reordering: Previously, when the Concurrent Treatment checkbox was selected and a therapist attempted to reorder their CPT codes, the selection didn’t move up or down with the correct CPT code. This issue has been resolved and the Concurrent Treatment remains selected.
    • Authorizations + Billing: Previously, authorizations did not appear as expected in WebPT Billing after a note was finalized. This issue has been identified and resolved and authorizations added to a case and finalized in SOAP 2.0 will flow into WebPT Billing as expected.
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