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Health Check: System Settings

The EMR Account Health/Healthcheck series is designed to help you get the most out of the WebPT EMR while staying on top of crucial workflows.

Let’s review some helpful tips regarding Clinic Settings and the Insurance Manager. These minor improvements can make a great difference in Referrals, the Medicare Fee Schedule, Payer Types, and Payer-specific Alerts.

Clinic Settings: Referrals

We recommend enabling your Referral settings so that your patients are attributed to the correct referral source and primary treatment clinic. This will ensure accurate reporting in Analytics.

  • Require referrals to be collected for every patient: when turned on, the Marketing Referral field becomes required on the case when Referred by Physician is set to No.
  • Require Primary Treatment Clinic to be collected for all cases: if required, the Primary Treatment Clinic field will automatically be populated with a dropdown which will allow you to select a different clinic. 

Clinic Settings: Medicare Regional

Use the Medicare Administrative Contractor tool to verify that the correct Regional Location is selected based on your specific location.

If the incorrect location is selected, a pop-up message will appear the next time you login to the EMR and will notify you that your Medicare thresholds are incorrect. 

Insurance Manager: Types

Verify that your payer Types match your Insurance Names. Each Type is configured with the appropriate default settings.

  • Common error:  Be sure to not leave the default insurance type (HMO) when naming the insurance “Medicare.” This error can end up creating many finalizations with the inappropriate settings.
  • Correct workflow: Use the Type drop-down to match the Insurance Name you have entered.

Insurance Manager: Payer Alerts

Utilize Payer Alerts to auto-populate insurance information on patient appointments or the patient chart. 

We strongly recommend creating Payer-specific Alerts because they provide helpful reminders and save documentation time. 

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