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Health Check: Unused Licenses in the User Manager

The EMR Account Health/Healthcheck series is designed to help you get the most out of the WebPT EMR while staying on top of crucial workflows.


Unused WebPT Licenses can accumulate in the User Manager once a user’s status is set to Inactive. This may occur after a user leaves your clinic or due to license share workflows. Whatever the case may be, any unused licenses should be removed. 


Unused licenses can affect your bottom line. You may be paying for licenses that are no longer needed for your clinic. Available licenses that are not needed should be removed 24 hours before your next billing cycle in order to avoid unnecessary payments. Some Members may choose to keep an available license depending on their specific workflows.


First, let’s take a look at your clinic’s License count.

Licenses are clinic-specific. If there are multiple clinics within your organization, review the license count in all clinics/locations.
  1. From the company drop-down menu, select User Manager.
  2. Examine the license count on the right side of the screen.
    1. Licenses: Total number of licenses being used per user type by your clinic.
    2. Available: Total number of licenses that are not being used. In this example, we have an excess of Assistant licenses that we are still being charged for each month.
      Note : Each clinic has an unlimited amount of Clerical licenses at no extra charge.


  1. To remove the extra licenses, a user with User Manager permissions must select Request License Adjustment.
  2. Select the Remove checkbox, then use the drop-down menus to remove the desired licenses per user type. In this example, we want to remove 17 of the extra 18 Therapist Assistant licenses we currently own.
  3. Select a Reason from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the Please explain field, provide a detailed explanation for the license adjustment request. Click Submit to apply the changes.
  5. Verify the Available license count. You may need to refresh your browser to reflect the new changes. Remember, each clinic has an unlimited amount of Clerical licenses at no extra charge.
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