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Bulk User Management

Save time making user updates with the new Bulk Update function on the User Manager. This functionality is available to Clinic Admins. 

  1. Open the Clinic drop-down and select User Manager.
  2. Click on Bulk Update Users. 
  3. Use the User Search filters to narrow down your users' list. You can filter based on user Type or Status (active/inactive) or search by name.
  4. Use the checkboxes to select individual users or the Select All/Deselect All buttons.
  5. The total number of users selected displays below the bulk options.
  6. Click Proceed.
  7. The Bulk User Management window opens.
  8. From here, you can:
    1. Review the selected users: To make changes, close the popup and make updates in the User Manager.
    2. Add or remove permissions: When bulk updating users, keep the following permission rules in mind: 
      1. You cannot remove the Company Admin or Clinic Admin permissions; this reduces the risk of removing all admins for any one clinic.
      2. You cannot assign Start, Forward, or Finish SOAP Notes permissions to Clerical or Billing user types.
      3. Finish SOAP Notes cannot be assigned to assistants or students, even if your clinic setting is set to allow; these user types include PTA, COTA, SLPA, RTT, SPT, SOT, and SSLP.
    3. Add or remove clinics: When bulk updating users' clinics, keep the following permission rules in mind: 
      1. You can only provide access to clinic locations that you also have access to. 
      2. You cannot remove a user's default clinic.
  9. Once you have made your selections, click Save
  10. If all updates are successful, a green confirmation message will display. 
  11. If the updates are partially successful, a yellow tooltip will display. Hover over the tooltip for more insight on how many User and Clinic permissions were not updated, as well as one or more possible reasons for the unsuccessful update.
  12. If the updates are not successful, a red tooltip will display. Hover over the tooltip for more info on the failed update. 
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