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Managing Users and Permissions (Large Organizations)

This guide is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of user management for large companies.

User Manager Page Overview

  1. Type: Divided into therapist, assistant, and clerical user types. 
  2. Admin: This checkbox automatically gives the user all admin permissions in the system. They can make edits and updates at a system level.
  3. MIPS: You’ll only see the column if the clinic is MIPS enabled. Depending on how you choose to report, you’ll see a checkbox (individual reporting) or the column will say Group next to each therapist (group reporting).
  4. Virtual Visits: You’ll only see this column if you’re enabled for virtual visits. Click Manage to enable/disable.
  5. Status: Indicates whether the user is active or inactive. Inactive users cannot log into WebPT.

User Licenses

To activate a user (or create a new, active user), you must have an available license for that user type. 

  1. Used Licenses: Licenses assigned to “active” users in this clinic.
  2. Available Licenses: Licenses that can be assigned to users. If you have unlimited licensing, you don’t need to pay attention to this number. If you don’t, we recommend ensuring that you aren’t carrying extra Therapist, Assistant, or Student licenses. Clerical users are not charged per license, so these can be ignored. 

There are four types of licenses.

  • Therapists: PT, OT, SLP user types
  • Assistants: PTA, COTA, SLPA user types
  • Clericals: Clerical, Biller user types
  • Students: SPT, SOT, SSLP user types

The available license must align with the type of user you’re adding (or activating). Additionally, the license must be present in the user’s default clinic (indicated by a radio button on the user’s profile). 

Adding A User

Follow these instructions on how to add a user

Clinic Availability

The licenses are allocated to a user based on the default location selected on the profile. The clinic set as the default should be the most frequently used clinic location for the user, as this is the clinic they will be automatically logged-into when signing in. 

Default Clinic

Use the Default radio button to establish the default clinic on the profile for each user. This should be their primary location and determines which clinic their license is allocated from.

Adding Signatures

Establish Provider Signatures on the therapist’s profile for use in Documentation. Click here to learn more. 

There are three options:

  1. Upload a signature
  2. Draw a signature
  3. Select a signature


For a full breakdown of all permissions, check out this article.

  • View Patients: Provides view-only access to the Patient Manager on the navigation panel.
  • Edit Patients: Provides edit access to the Add Patient and Quick Add Patient in the patient manager on the navigation panel.
  • Edit/Delete Patient Transactions: Edit patient payments. This also allows the user to complete refunds/reversals if using WorldPay Credit Card Processing.

It is very common for all users to have these three permissions. 

User Managers:

There are two permissions related to User Managers:

  • View Users: This allows you to see the complete list of users, create new user profiles, and request license adjustments.
  • Edit Users: This allows you to make updates to existing user profiles. You can also activate or inactivate user profiles. 

Having both permissions enabled is referred to as being a Full User Manager.  

  • Start SOAP Notes: Allows users to add documentation to a patient’s chart.
  • Forward SOAP Notes: Allows users to forward notes to other users for co-signature.
  • Finish SOAP Notes: Allows users to finalize patient documentation. The user manager must complete an attestation if enabling this permission for an assistant user type.

Fully credentialed users will have all three, assistants typically will only have Start and Forward permissions (unless assistant finalization is specifically allowed by a payer).

You probably want to limit:
  • Calendar Admin: This permission allows the user to update key information related to the clinic calendar setup that will be reflected across all users.
  • Clinic Admin: Allows users to dictate clinic-wide settings, such as Medicare Fee Schedule, Alert timing, Place of service, etc. 
  • Company Admin: Even fewer users should have access to the company-wide settings which dictates items such as available modifiers, plan of care alerts, and payer rules. This would apply to all clinics within the TIN structure.
  • Billing Report Admin: Restrict to a few people. This provides access to patient billing information and billing reports in Analytics (if using WebPT Billing).
  • Insurance Admin: Can add or edit/update the insurance settings. This will prevent any accidental changes to insurance settings.
  • Analytics Access: We recommend giving this to everyone. 

Analytics automatically segments report availability based on the user’s EMR permission set. 

Managing User Types

Don’t Update User Type

Never update an existing profile’s User Type. For example, if this user was a Student user type (SPT), and has received their license and is now a PT, you would need to create a new profile with the PT user and inactivate the previous SPT profile. Certain permissions tend to get “stuck” and it’s likely the user would encounter some funky permission issues. It’s always cleaner to make a new profile.

Because each user profile requires a unique email address, we recommend updating the inactive profile’s email address with an “x” or some other identifier, so that the user’s actual email can be assigned to their new account. This helps with password resets. 

Multiple Disciplines = Multiple Profiles

Each user type requires its own profile to ensure proper tracking and billing. For example, if you have a user that is both a PT and an OT, you’ll need to create two separate profiles for that user.

Each profile will require a distinct email address. We’ve seen organizations issue proxy email addresses to account for this requirement, we’ve also seen personal email addresses used for the secondary profile.

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