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What's New with Tasking?

WebPT Tasking is currently in Early Access to a select group of Members and will be gradually rolled out over the following weeks.

Looking to find out what's new with the WebPT Tasking? You're in the right place! This page will keep you informed about our latest system enhancements. Please be advised that while we make every effort to ensure updates are released at the scheduled date and time, we occasionally experience unforeseen circumstances that may cause a delay. Don't worry, though—we'll continue to regularly update this page and provide ample communication for any changes. 

⭐Looking to find out what's in the works? Click here

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Defect Corrected: Previously, users were being kicked out of Tasking just after a few minutes of accessing Tasking. This has now been resolved and users will no longer be kicked out.

Enhanced Tasking Performance: The legacy Apollo V2 dependency used in the Tasking auth service is causing the 503 errors in Tasking and thus resulting in stability and performance issues. To resolve this, the auth service has been upgraded to Apollo V3 and 503 errors will no longer be thrown in Tasking. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Added Search Capabilities to the Organization Field: The Organization field within the Tag drawer is now searchable. Members are able to search and quickly find what organization they want to create a Tag for. 

Friday, May 12, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Added Search Capabilities to the Organization Field: The Organization field within the Tag drawer is now searchable. Members are able to search and quickly find what organization they want to create a Tag for. 
Defects Corrected:
  • Previously, user change events that happened in the EMR were not being processed into Tasking. This resulted in users not being displayed in Tasking, users not being able to access certain tasks, etc. This has now been resolved and users will no longer experience a syncing issue between Tasking and the EMR. 
  • Previously, a memory leak was found in Redis which can result in gradual decrease in system performance. This is now resolved and performance is now optimal. 
  • Previously, when members create a new task sometimes a duplicate will be created. This has now been resolved and duplicate tasks will no longer be created. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Defects Corrected:

  • Previously, Members would have to click on the "Settings" word to access the settings page. In order to make it more convenient to access the settings page, our team has made it possible for Members to select anywhere on the "Settings" button to access the settings page. 
  • Previously, when members saved a comment to a task and then reassigned the task to another user the comment would not save. This has now been resolved and comments will now be saved within the task. 
  • Previously, patients who were associated with more than 1 facility in the EMR were only being associated with 1 facility in Tasking which sometimes resulted in a validation error within a task, “Oops this patient does not belong to this organization”. This has now been resolved and now patients that are associated with more than 1 facility will no longer receive the validation error. 
  • Previously when a user typed in the search bar within the Task table, characters would skip causing members to retype. This has now been resolved and members will no longer experience characters skipping. 

Friday, May 5, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Enhanced the Settings Button: Previously, Members would have click on the "Settings" word to access the settings page. In order to make it more convenient to access the settings page, our team has made it possible for Members to select anywhere on the "Settings" button to access the settings page. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Defect Corrected: Previously, when an admin user made clinic updates to a user in the EMR those updates were not reflected in Tasking. This has now been resolved and clinic updates made in the EMR will now be reflected in Tasking.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Defect Corrected: Previously, when an admin user made clinic updates to a user in the EMR those updates were not reflected in Tasking. This has now been resolved and clinic updates made in the EMR will now be reflected in Tasking.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Added Ability to Add Attachments to Tasks: To better support completing tasks, our team has created the ability for Members to add attachments to a task and upload those attachments to a patients eDocs in the EMR. Click here to learn more!

Tuesday, January 4, 2023 at 4:00PM PT

Enhanced Pagination Functionality: Due to Tasking experiencing performance issues with multi-organization users, the task count number within the pagination of the tasking table will now be delayed in displaying by 5 seconds or less. This change will provide multi-organization users with a better experience and will eliminate delays when interacting with the tasking table. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 4:00PM PT

Enhanced Pagination Functionality: Due to Tasking experiencing performance issues with multi-organization users, the task count number within the pagination of the tasking table will now be delayed in displaying by 5 seconds or less. This change will provide multi-organization users with a better experience and will eliminate delays when interacting with the tasking table. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 4:00PM PT

Upgraded Tasking to Reflect Real-Time Changes: Previously, changes to clinic access took up to 6 hours until reflected in Tasking. Now when a user receives clinic access that change will be displayed in Tasking in near real time. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 4:00PM PT

Added Tooltip Within the Task Table: A tooltip has been added to all column filters within the task table. Members can hover over a word that has an ellipsis on the end and will see the entire word.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 4:00PM PT

Added a New Patient Header to the Task Detail Drawer: To provide better patient organization within the task detail drawer a new patient header has been added. 

Removed Ability to Select a Past Due Date for a Task: To maintain task integrity, Members are not able to select a past due date for a task. Members can select today's date or a future date. 

Added a Created Date to the Task Detail Drawer:  A created date has been added to the task detail drawer and will be displayed after a task is saved. Members are now able to keep track of when a task was created.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 4:00PM PT

Read-only Member Groups: Members are now able to open system automated member groups within the member groups settings screen and view information displayed. These groups cannot be edited and will be read only.

Added Sorting to Tags Setting Screen: All columns in the Tags settings screen can be sorted in ascending or descending order. 

Friday, May 27, 2022 at 4:00PM PT

Updated Favicon: Each WebPT product has their own unique favicon. Members can now see a Tasking favicon in their web browser when using the Tasking product.

Wednesday April 6, 2022 at 5:00PM PT 

Updated Tasking Application Load Times: Previously, multi-org Members were experiencing loading delays within the Tasking application. This issue has been resolved and now the Tasking applications will load significantly quicker. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 5:00PM PT 

Added Ability to Export Tasks: The ability to export tasks from the Task Table is now available. Users will be able to download and export Tasking information such as Task Name, Type, Priority, Due Date, Patient Name, Patient ID, Days Open, Status, Created By, Assigned To, Tags, Description, and Organization. Click here to learn more.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 4:00PM PT

Defects Corrected:

  • Previously, the search functionality did not work in the task icon menu. This issue has now been resolved and Members are able to search for member groups.
  • Previously, multi-org Members were unable to view the entire organization list within the Member groups drawer. This issue has now been resolved and Members can view the full list.
  • Previously, the Assign To field in the task detail drawer listed individuals who did not belong to the organization linked within the task. When one of those individuals (outside of the organization) was selected, the organization would change back to the Member’s default organization. This issue has now been resolved and now only those Members who are part of the organization linked in the task will display in the Assign To field.
  • Previously, Members with access to a clinic may have been unable to access a task assigned to the clinic. This issue has now been resolved and all tasks can be viewed by Members based on their clinic permissions.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 5:00PM PT

Added Task ID: To assist Members with communicating about tasks, each task will now be assigned a Task ID which is located in the task detail drawer and task table. Members are also able to find Task IDs through the Search field. Click here to learn more.

Added EMR Patient ID to Task Detail Drawer: Members will now be able to see the EMR patient ID next to the patient name within the task detail drawer.

Added Patient ID to Patient Search: Now, when Members use the patient’s name in patient search, the EMR patient ID will be displayed.

Added Patient Task and Global Task Icons: A Patient Task icon will now appear in SOAP 2.0 patient charts next to the patient’s name and will display the number of open tasks for that patient. Once selected, the icon will trigger a pop up window to appear and show both open and completed tasks. Additionally, this pop up window does not allow for an alternate patient to be added in order to ensure that tasks aren’t accidentally created for other patients. We have also created a Global Task icon located in the upper right corner - Members will be able to see the number of open tasks specific to them and can click the icon to open the Tasking application which then defaults to that Member’s open tasks. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 5:00PM PT

Suppressed Organization Name: To eliminate confusion for Members when viewing tasks, we have suppressed the organization name in the upper right corner. 

Updated Patient Search to Alphabetize Results: Now, when Members look up company and location names within the patient search, the results will be displayed in alphabetical order.

Wednesday, February 2, at 5:00PM PT

Modified Filter Searches Case Sensitivity: Members are now able to use the company and location filter searches case insensitive. For example, Members are able to type Alpha in any variation (Alpha, ALPHA, alpha) and the filter will display all companies/locations that contain the word Alpha.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 5:00 PM PT

Enhanced Location and Company Name Appearance

In order for Members to more easily identify locations and companies with lengthy names, a tooltip has been added to display the entire name from the filter dropdown. Members can simply hover over the name, and the name will appear entirely.

Removed Ability to Edit Description Field on Task Drawer

The description field within the task detail drawer is now no longer editable. This will prevent users from accidentally deleting information. Only the user who created the task will be able to go in and make any updates/edits to the description field. 

October 3, 2021 at 5:00 PM PT

Added Patient Organization Validation: When a user links a patient to a task, the list of available patients to choose from will now be restricted to the patients available within the organization in which the task has been created. To link the task to a patient outside of the current organization, the user must first change the organization that is associated with the task. Additionally, when navigating to Tasking from the patient's chart in the WebPT EMR, all tasks created for that patient will default to the organization in which the patient is associated.

October 27, 2021 at 5:00 PM PT

Added Saved Views: Members can now save desired views from the task table—instead of needing to filter and sort their work queue each time. This will allow users to spend less time identifying what to focus on and more time completing tasks important to them. Click here to learn more.

October 11, 2021 at 3:30 PM PT

Patient Search Improvements: Previously, the Search would take 10 seconds or longer to return results for users who had access to various locations. Due to the completion of this project, the search results will now return more quickly. 

August 4, 2021 at 5:00 PM PT

Defect Resolved — Tasking Icon Available with SOAP 2.0: Previously, the SOAP 2.0 task icon was not visible. This issue has been resolved and the SOAP 2.0 task icon will be rolled out to current Tasking users.

Defect Resolved — Standard User Receives Error Assigning Task to RCM Access User: Previously, the Assign To list was scoped incorrectly for a standard user. This issue has been resolved and standard users will now see their respective RCM group under the Assigned To group tab.

Defect Resolved — Status Field Not Updated When Marked Un-completed: Previously, whenever a task was marked as un-completed, the status field would maintain the status of complete, therefore, marking the task as completed again. This issue has been resolved.

July 28, 2021 at 4:30 PM PT

Application Performance Readiness Bundle: This bundle addresses optimizing queries and ensuring that the application will have high performance as Tasking gets rolled out to more Members.

Defects Corrected

  • Tag Table Shows Read-only Rows Erroneously: Previously, the tag table rows were shown as read-only thus creating confusion for users because the rows were still editable. This issue has been resolved. The tag table is not displayed as read-only.
  • Adding Comment After Re-assign Triggers an Error ("Must have associated org"): Previously, when a task was reassigned to another user, the user who reassigned that task was not able to leave a comment. This issue has been resolved and users can leave comments on reassigned tasks.
  •  While In User's Default View, Label Doesn’t Update After Clicking Complete: Previously, when a user selects the Mark Complete button it would not update to state Complete. This has been resolved. The Mark Complete button will update to Complete when selected.

July 20, 2021

We’re diligently working on stabilizing and providing performance improvements to Tasking so we can roll out to all WebPT Members in the future!

June 9, 2021

Updated Task Table Sorting: When sorting the Task Table based on the Task Type, the results now sort as expected, based on the alphabetical sorting of the Task Type's name.
Defects Corrected
  • Previously, users could create tasks without due dates, but couldn’t change existing tasks to not have a due date. This issue has been resolved and users can now do both—create a task without a due date and clear a due date for existing tasks. 

June 2, 2021 at 4:30 PM PT

Updated Overdue Task Visualizations: When a task's due date is overdue, it will now display in red in both the Task Details Drawer and the Task Table. Click here to learn more.

May 18, 2021 at 4:30 PM PT

Added Viewable Tasks in ChartA Task icon is now displayed next to each patient's name in their respective chart in the WebPT EMR documentation. When the Task icon is selected in a patient's chart, a pop up window will generate and display open tasks specific to the patient. Additionally, Setting and Log Out options will now display in the upper right-hand corner of Tasking.

Added Navigation to Patient Chart: Users working through Task lists can access respective patient's records right from Tasking in order to retrieve more information required for the task. Simply, click EMR Chart and a pop up window with the chart will display. Click here to learn more.

May 5, 2021 at 4:30 PM PT

Added Previous/Next Arrows to Task Details: Users can quickly navigate through their task list to the previous or next task using the new Previous/Next arrows. This removes the extra clicks between navigating back to the Task List to select the next task in the queue. (Note: Arrows disable when you reach the top or bottom of the list.)

Added Assign to (Me) Button: When viewing a Task, users can now assign tasks to themselves with one click using the Assign to (me) shortcut, saving time and enhancing productivity.

April 28, 2021 at 4:30 PM PT 

Updated Group Tasks: Members can now view Group Tasks in addition to My Tasks from the Task Icon. The Task Icon will also now reflect the correct number of open tasks for a user. 

Added Assigned Tasks to Partner RCM Groups: Members with Standard Access can now assign their task(s) to an RCM user group. This will allow the RCM group to help complete tasks. Click here to learn more. 

April 20, 2021 at 5:30 PM PT

Updated Product Name: The Tasking product name has been updated in-app from WebPT Tasks to WebPT Tasking so that there’s consistency across all platforms.

Resized Task Icon: The Task icon in the patient’s chart of the WebPT EMR has been resized to be more uniform with the application.

Added Task Assignee Validation: Users are no longer able to assign and save a Task for a patient they don’t have access to. A message will appear when the assignee doesn’t have access to the patient selected. This follows the same logic as the WebPT EMR.

Defects Corrected

  • Previously, users were able to share Task links with other users. In order to contain PHI, the ability to share Tasks has been restricted. Now, those with appropriate permissions will only be able to access Tasks for a patient and those without will receive an error.
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