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Error: This patient's Plan of Care has expired. Complete a new plan of care on an evaluative note to continue documenting

If you have updated the patient's plan of care dates with valid charges added to an evaluative note and are still receiving the error This patient's Plan of Care has expired. Complete a new plan of care on an evaluative note to continue documenting use the following steps to remove the error message.

Important: This is will only work for non-Medicare insurances. If a Medicare Insurance type is toggled as shown below, the patient's medicare threshold alert will disappear. 

  1. Navigate to the Patient Info section of the patient chart.
  2. Scroll down to the Insurance section and click Add Insurance
  3. We recommend selecting Self Pay as the insurance. Click Next, Next, then OK, 
  4. Next, click the Edit icon to open the patient's case where you are experiencing the error. 
  5. Update the patient's primary insurance to Self Pay and click OK on the case.
  6. Save the patient. 
  7. Next, reopen the Patient Info window and delete the Self Pay insurance you added.
  8. Edit the patient's case and re-add the previous insurance. Click OK on the case.
  9. Save the patient. 
  10. The error should be cleared from the patient's chart. 
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