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Batch Print Troubleshooting

If you are having issues with the Batch Print option on the patient record, it's likely that there are too many documents selected for the system to process and the function is timing out. The easiest fix here is to separate out the patient's documents into a few different batches. 

Occasionally, a PDF will break and this will also prevent the batch print function from running correctly. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to determine if you are experiencing this issue. 

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Start by clearing your cache.
    1. Hold the keys Ctrl + Shift + Delete at the same time to open the Clear browsing data window.  
    2. Select Advanced, and set your options to the items displayed in the screenshot below. Everything else can remain unselected. 
  2. Next, retry the batch print option again to see if the error has been cleared.
  3. If the error has not been cleared, remove any eDocs on the Batch Print window by unchecking the box next to the eDoc file. 
  4. After eDocs have been removed, try to batch print again.
  5. If the error persists, please try to batch print in small selections. Start by selecting only half of the previously selected documents.
  6. If you are still receiving the error, it's likely that one of your note PDFs has broken. To locate the broken PDF, we recommend printing in small batches until you locate the note PDF that can't be printed. To correct the PDF, add an addendum to the related note. Once the addendum has been finalized, you can complete the batch print. 
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