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Month End: Insurance Class Aging Minus Liens and Credits

An updated version of the Month End: Insurance Class Aging Minus Liens and Credits report can be found in WePT Billing

Insurance Class Aging Minus Liens and Credits is a Data Table style report containing a complete list of your outstanding A/R for each insurance at the close of the month. A patient’s account may be listed under multiple insurance classes. For example, a patient may be listed under Blue Cross (BX) if there are unpaid claims pending from Blue Cross, and they may also be listed in Cash Patient (CP) if they have an unpaid patient balance. The Cash Patient (CP) insurance class includes Unassigned Payments. 

Note: This report is a static snapshot of your billing data taken when the month was closed. It is captured after all Month End procedures are completed in WebPT Billing. Any changes will be reflected in the next month's data.

This replaces the previous RevFlow  Dashboard Insurance Class Aging Minus Liens and Credits month-end report.


This report is located in the Month End Report section in Analytics. If you do not see the report listed here, ensure you have the necessary Analytics Access and User Role permissions.

Run and Customize the Report

  1. You can filter which clinics appear in the report using the View Clinics by: drop-down menu and corresponding (…) menu button.
  2. Select the Month and Year.
  3. Export to Excel or CSV for further manipulation.

Column Descriptions

Column Description
Insurance Class Code The code assigned to the insurance class
Insurance Class Description The insurance class description
Current Balance The current balance of charges open to the insurance class between 0-30 days old by the date of service (this include unassigned patient payments) 
30 Days Total charges outstanding for the  insurance class  between 30-59 days old by the date of service
60 Days Total charges outstanding for the insurance class between 60-89 days old by the date of service
90 Days Total charges outstanding for the insurance class between 90-119 days old by the date of service
120 Days Total charges outstanding for the insurance class  between 120-149 days old by the date of service
150 Days Total charges outstanding for the insurance class between  150-179 days old by the date of service
180 Days Total charges outstanding for the insurance class over 180 days old by the date of service
Balance The total outstanding balance of charges open to each insurance class for all time
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