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No Charge vs. NORCM

While both the No Charges This Visit and NORCM options ensure that charges are not sent to WebPT Billing, there are specific instances when each should be used. 

Note: These options are only available for SOAP 1.0 users. For SOAP 2.0 Members, please review the article No Charge Documentation in SOAP 2.0.

No Charges This Visit

Located on the left-hand side of the Billing sheet, the Non-Charge option allows you to finalize a note without CPT codes attached. When you select this option, all CPT codes will be grayed out and any previous selections will be removed, including custom codes.

  • Once this option is selected, the transmission is prevented from going into WebPT Billing and no document/transaction item appears in the Claims Feed Report. 
  • This is commonly used for Placeholder Initial Evaluations.
  • There is no reporting available for notes that are Non-Charged in the WebPT EMR or WebPT Billing. If reporting is needed to follow up on certain codes, we recommend using NORCM.
  • This method should be used in lieu of the NORCM code because:
    • You don't want this note to count as a visit (this ensures alignment with prescribed/authorized visit use).
    • You don't need to satisfy the Progress Note Needed alert.
    • You don't want to document or report on the treatment provided.


If you need the note to count as a visit or to report on CPT codes added to non-billable visits, we recommend using the NORCM custom CPT code.

Note: This only works for notes documented with SOAP 1.0.
  • Once this option is selected, the transmission is prevented from going into WebPT Billing and you'll be able to see the financial transmission has a status of Not Sent in the Claims Feed Report. 
  • Any codes added to notes where the NORCM code was used can be viewed in the Analytics Documented Visits and Documented Units reports. 
  • This method should be used in lieu of the "No Charges This Visit" button because:
    • This note will count as a visit (ensures alignment with prescribed/authorized visit use).
    • This note is required to satisfy the Progress Note Needed alert.
    • You want to document and report the treatment provided.

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