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Saferpayments and the Worldpay from FIS PCI Assist Program

When you sign up for a Merchant Account with Worldpay, you will be enrolled in the Worldpay from FIS PCI Assist Program to maintain PCI compliance and protect your patient credit card data. 

Saferpayments is an organization that administers Worldpay from the Sysnet/Viking Cloud PCI Assist Program and will reach out via email within the first few weeks of merchant account enrollment.  You will receive an email from Saferpayments <notifications@yoursecurejourney.com> with the Subject line: Welcome to SaferPayments.

This process is critical for ensuring your PCI compliance.

We recommend you follow the Saferpayments instructions for implementing the required card data security; failure to complete the process in a timely manner will result in regular reminders from Saferpayments.

Note: WebPT is unable to assist with questions about Saferpayments and the Worldpay from FIS PCI Assist Program. If you have questions about completing the Worldpay from FIS PCS Assist Program administered by Saferpayments, contact Saferpayments at 866.493.8756 or support@yoursecurejourney.com.  Alternatively Worldpay customer support at 866.622.2390.

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