📣 We have moved! All of the most up-to-date information on WebPT Products can be found in its new home on WebPT Discover.

Patient Chart Overview

Once a new patient is added, you can review all of the patient's information in their patient chart.

Patient Chart Features

Patient Info

Click the Patient Info tab whenever you want to visit the patient information screen. You can review and edit the patient demographics/cases here, using the Edit button in the upper right. Click here for instructions on adding patient information.


Click into the Records tab anytime need to review important information about your patients.

  • Payer Alerts (Display Red)
  • Case Details
  • Visits
  • Auth/Ins Visits (noted expiration date)
  • Prescription (noted expiration date)
  • Cancel/No Show
  • Additional Info (any info you want to get in front of the provider for this patient)
  • Medicare Therapy Threshold

Chart Notes

Use the Chart Notes tab to enter and display quick internal notes such as, "patient is hard of hearing." Simplifying communication between office staff and providers about important details regarding patients. These notes can be edited or removed if needed.

  1. To create a chart note, click the play icon next to Create Note.
  2. You are provided with a space to type out the note and date it. Then, click Create Note to save the chart note.

Patient Record Actions

Case Notes

In the patient record, you have the ability to create a case note. This is a non-billable note that is still clinically relevant. It’s more for provider use but is helpful to know in case the patient cannot reach the provider. Your staff could attempt to address patient questions and respond so the provider is aware. Finalized Case notes cannot be removed or deleted. Case notes in draft status can be deleted.

Upcoming Appointments/Previous Appointments

The appointments feature provides an easy way to see and print upcoming or previous appointments. Clicking either tab opens a pop-up window with the appointment list, clinic locations, and print option. Click here for detailed instructions.

Patient Payments

The Patient Payments feature lists all patient payments. You can also send, print, or export the payment history. Click here to find out more.


The eDocs feature contains stores all documents uploaded to the patient's account, like medical records, insurance cards, and more. To view uploaded documents in this section, select View Document and click the play button. Then, a PDF of the document will open in a separate window. Click here to find out more about eDocs.

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