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Common Uses for Documented Units Report

The Documented Units (formerly known as Billed Units) report is your go-to for answering questions about documented billable visits, locating documented billable CPT Codes, understanding the Place of Service mix, and auditing your therapists’ billable documenting practices. 

Here we will review a few common scenarios our Members encounter, and how to use the Documented Units report to resolve them.

Important: There are many ways to manipulate Analysis Grid reports, like Documented Units, but the scenarios below are a great place to start.

Scenario 1: Documented Billable Units Per Week

Alex wants to find out each PT’s documented billable units per week for the 3rd quarter of 2020 and exclude students and PTAs. To ensure that cosigned documentation is attributed to the correct therapist, we’ll look at Finalizing Therapist. Documenting Therapist will contain the PTA and Student names, while Finalizing Therapist only includes the therapist names on the claim.

  1. Open the Documented Units Report within Analytics from the Documented Units section of the Report menu.

  2. Choose the Date Range. For this example, we’re using a Custom Range of 7/1/2020 to 9/30/2020.

  3. Group by Documenting Therapist. To do this, click the Finalizing Therapist column header and select Group. This organizes the report by Finalizing Therapist allowing you to exclude the PTA or Therapist’s name from the therapist count.
  4. Group by the Date of Service. To do this, click the Date of Service column header and select Group then Group by Week. This organizes therapist units by the Date of Service week.
  5. Click on the Units column and select the Aggregate function, choose Sum to summarize the count by each Therapist.

Resulting Report View

Altering the view of the report

If you are looking to clean up the report view or eliminate unnecessary paging, you can use a couple of methods: Exclude Detail Rows or Remove Columns.

Exclude Detail Rows

Exclude Detail Rows for a cleaner report view. This helps reduce paging through your report.

  1. Click Options.
  2. Click the Group tab.
  3. Check the box to Exclude Detail Rows.
Remove Columns

For a cleaner report view, remove unnecessary report columns by clicking on the Columns tab under Options then uncheck the Column headers you don’t need. Click OK to update the report.


You can view your providers’ documented billable units per week and exclude students and PTAs.

Scenario 2: CPT Code Review

To reduce delayed insurance payments, Mary needs to review the CPT codes applied to each Date of Service. Mary wants to look at all notes finalized on 11/15.

  1. Open the Documented Units Report located in the Documented Units section of the Report menu.

  2. Choose the Date Range. For this example, we’re using This Month, November.
  3. Group by Date of Finalization. This organizes the report by the date the note was finalized for each patient and helps identify any notes finalized outside the date range. To do this, click the Date of Finalization column header and select Group. If you need to further organize this list choose to Group by: Year, Quarter, Month, Week, or Day.
  4. Drag the Columns together. Move the Patient Name and CPT Code Columns closer to the Date of Finalization column for a side-by-side view. Click the grab-handle icon on the column header and drag it toward the Date of Finalization column.

Resulting Report View

Altering the view of the report - Filter Columns (Scenario 2: Part 2)

Remember Mary also wanted to see a specific note date, finalized on the 15th.

Specify a specific date using the Filter

  1. Click the funnel icon to open the Filter.
  2. Choose Date of Finalization from the Filter column drop-down. 
  3. Choose (=) from the comparison operator drop-down. 
  4. Choose Specific Date from the Value drop-down and enter the desired date.
  5. Click Add to update the report.

Note: Be sure your original Date Range selector contains the date(s) you are searching for.


You can see how to review finalized patient notes and their corresponding CPT codes. 

Scenario 3: Total Documented Units Per Month by Therapist

Sara is the office assistant and has been asked to provide a report to the Clinic Director with the total documented units for the month broken down per therapist. 

  1. Open the Documented Units Report located in the Documented Units section of the Report menu on the left.

  2. Choose the Date Range. For this example, we’re using This Month.
  3. Group by Finalizing Therapist. To do this, click the Finalizing Therapist column header and select Group.
  4. Click on the Units column heading, then choose Aggregate then Sum.

Resulting Report View

Altering the view of the report

If you are looking to clean up the report view or eliminate unnecessary paging, you can use a few methods: Drag Columns, Exclude Detail Rows or Remove Columns.

Drag Columns

Move the Units Column closer to the Finalizing Therapist column for a more comfortable report view. 

Click the grab-handle icon (aligned in the above image to the left) on the column header and drag it toward the Finalizing Therapist column.

Exclude Detail Rows

Exclude Detail Rows for a cleaner report view.

  1. Click Options.
  2. Click the Group tab.
  3. Check the box to Exclude Detail Rows.
Remove Columns

For a cleaner report view, remove unnecessary report columns by clicking on the Columns tab under Options then uncheck the Column headers you don’t need. Click OK to update the report.


Pulling a therapist’s monthly documented units is pretty straightforward in Analytics! 

Scenario 4: Review Place of Service Accuracy

Sandy needs to confirm the Place of Service was documented correctly for Sherlock Holmes on 11/6/2020.

  1. Open the Documented Units Report located in the Documented Units section of the Report menu.

  2. Specify the patient’s name using the Filter
    1. Click the funnel icon to open the Filter.
    2. Choose Patient Name from the Filter column drop-down. 
    3. Choose contains from the comparison operator drop-down. 
    4. In this scenario, Value is a text field and needs to match how the data is entered in the EMR; Type the patient’s last name ensuring the name is capitalized.
    5. Click Add to update the report.
  3. Drag the Columns together. Move the Place of Service Column closer to the Patient Name column for a side-by-side view. Click the grab-handle icon on the column header and drag it toward the Patient Name column. You’ll see each date of service and the place of service for each date.

Resulting Report View


Verify if the correct Place of Service was documented for each Date of Service.

Scenario 5: Audit Documented Units

Greg needs to evaluate if documented units are being applied correctly to all notes for the month.

  1. Open the Documented Units Report located in the Documented Units section of the Report menu.

  2. Choose the Date Range. For this example, we’re using This Month, November.
  3. Group by Finalizing Therapist. To do this, click the Finalizing Therapist column header and select Group. This organizes the report by Therapist. 
  4. Group by Patient Name. To do this, click the Patient Name column header and select Group. This organizes the patients each therapist saw. 
  5. Group by Date of Service. To do this, click the Date of Service column header and select Group, then Group This allows you to see each CPT Code.

Resulting Report View


You can see how to audit therapists' use of CPT Codes.

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