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Common Uses for Scheduled Visits Report

The Scheduled Visits report helps you review and manage your scheduling practices by providing a complete view of past and future scheduled appointments. This report only returns data if you use the WebPT Scheduler since it does not contain information on SOAP notes or charges. 

Here we will review a few common scenarios our Members encounter, and how to use the Patient Case Status report to resolve them.

Important: There are many ways to manipulate Analysis Grid reports, like Patient Case Status, so the scenarios below highlight just a few of the many uses.

Scenario 1: Print patient appointments by appointment type for a specific date range 

Becky needs to ensure that patient Jonathan Peacock is being consistently scheduled for his recommended two appointments per week. She wants to look at his appointments during the current quarter by appointment type and week, then print all his scheduled appointments.

  1. Open the Scheduled Visits Report located in the Visits section of the Report menu on the left.
  2. Choose This Quarter for the Date Range
  3. Filter by the specific Patient Name.
    1. Click the funnel icon to open the Filter
    2. Choose Patient Name from the Filter column drop-down.
    3. Choose contains from the comparison operator drop-down.
    4. In this scenario, Value is a text field and needs to match how the data is entered in the EMR; Type the patient’s last name ensuring the name is capitalized. 
    5. Click Add, to update the report.
  4. Group by Appointment Type. To do this, click the Appointment Type column header and select Group. This organizes the appointment types scheduled for the patient.
  5. Group by Appointment Date. To do this click, the group by Appointment Date then Group by Week. This organizes the appointment dates by week.
  6. To Print, choose Export Data and the file type you prefer (Excel, CSV, or PDF).

Click here to view the PDF for Jonathan Peacock’s appointment list.

Resulting Report View

In this view, we can see Jonathan was not consistently scheduled according to his recommended treatment plan (2x / week) until November.


You can see how to gather all the scheduled appointments for a particular patient, organize them by week and appointment type, plus print the final result. 

Scenario 2: Scheduled patient visit totals per Therapist

Luis is the Clinic Director and would like to see the total count of patients for each therapist over the last six months. Additionally, Luis is interested in understanding Deborah Craig’s patient count as her appointment count is higher than most.

  1. Open the Scheduled Visits Report located in the Visits section of the Report menu on the left.
  2. Choose the Date Range. For this example, we’re using a Custom Range of 5/1/2020 to 10/31/2020
  3. Group by Treating Therapist. To do this, click the Treating Therapist column header and select Group. This organizes and groups all the patients that were seen by each therapist.
  4. Next, let’s figure out how many patients each therapist has seen. To get the Patient appointment count, click on the Patient Name column and Aggregate, Distinct Count. This gives you the overall patient appointment total and therapist’s patient subtotal ensuring each patient is only counted in the totals once.

Resulting Report View

Altering the view of the report

If you are looking to clean up the report view or eliminate unnecessary paging, there are a couple of methods you can use: Exclude Detail Rows or Remove Columns.

Exclude Detail Rows

Exclude Detail Rows for a cleaner report view.

  1. Click Options.
  2. Click the Group tab.
  3. Check the box to Exclude Detail Rows.
Remove Columns

Also, you can remove unnecessary report columns by clicking on the Columns tab under Options then uncheck the Column headers you don’t need. Click OK to update the report.

Filter Columns (Scenario 2: Part 2)

Remember Luis also wanted to see Deborah Craig’s scheduled visit count. Here we can Filter the Columns to refine the view.

Specify a particular patient using the Filter

  1. Click the funnel icon to open the Filter
  2. Choose Patient Name from the Filter column drop-down. 
  3. Choose contains from the comparison operator drop-down. 
  4. In this scenario, Value is a text field and needs to match how the data is entered in the EMR; Type the patient’s last name ensuring the name is capitalized. 
  5. Click Add, to update the report.

Resulting Report View


You can see how to get the scheduled patient visit count per therapist and filter by a specific provider. 

Scenario 3: New episodes of care within a specific date range

Randall needs to see upcoming weekly totals for new patients (episodes of care) scheduled through December.  

  1. Open the Scheduled Visits Report located in the Visits section of the Report menu on the left.
  2. Choose the Date Range. For this example, we’re using This Quarter, which runs from 9/1/2020 to 12/31/2020.
  3. Filter the report by the Appointment type.  
    1. Click the funnel icon to open the Filter
    2. Choose Appointment Type from the Filter column drop-down.
    3. Choose (=) from the comparison operator drop-down.
    4. Click (...) to view the list of options and select Initial Examination.
    5. Click Add, to update the report and show only Initial Examinations.
  4. Click on the Patient Name column and choose Aggregate then Count, to get the total count of patients.
  5. Group by Appointment Date. To do this, click the Appointment Date column header and select Group, then Group by Week. This organizes all the new episodes of care by week.

Resulting Report View


You can see how many new patients (Initial Examinations/Episodes of care) are scheduled by week. 

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