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Analytics Analysis Grid: Filter And/Or Logic

View specific subsets of your data with Filters. When adding more than one filter to your Analysis Grid reports, you must indicate whether the new filter should follow And or Or logic.

And Logic

AND logic requires each data point to meet all filter criteria, narrowing the results. 

For example, if you originally filtered your report to show patients with Medicare as their primary insurance, and now you want to view Medicare patients with a particular diagnosis, you’d add in the diagnosis and leave the filter condition set to And, which would look like this:

Using AND logic in the Filter will shrink the size of the patient pool to meet the additional criteria requested. The filter criteria we used here, tells Analytics to find patients whose insurance type is Medicare AND have a specific diagnosis. 

Or Logic

Or logic only requires a data point to meet one of the filter criteria, increasing the number of results returned.  

For example, if you originally filtered your report to show patients with Medicare as their primary insurance, but now you want to include patients with a particular diagnosis, you’d add in the diagnosis and update the filter condition to Or, which would look like this:

Using OR logic here tells Analytics to find every patient who has a Medicare Primary Insurance type OR has a Shoulder Injury case.

Note: The filter automatically applies Or logic in the Filter when you pull criteria from the same column (data field). You can change Or logic to And logic by clicking on the Or button (and vice versa). Review the Primary Insurance type and Shoulder case examples below.

Primary Insurance Type Filter Example

Shoulder Cases Filter Example

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