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SOAP 2.0 Quick Start Guide

The goal of this guide is to get you started documenting in SOAP 2.0 as quickly as possible. Check out this Quick Start video, then explore our Bonus sections below for more information, as needed.

Bonus: Flexible Documentation

  1. Templates: Customize your note subsection and fields for each note type.
  2. Profiles: Use profiles to add fields specific to courses of care. Leverage custom profiles or WebPT default profiles.
  3. Tips for the Ideal Template/Profile Setup:  Ensure your documentation fields will carry over from note to note with these quick tips.
  4. Advanced Profiles (2.0 Smart Text): Advanced Profiles are an extension of Profiles. They allow you to include sets of problems, goals, and specific procedures. 
  5. Converting Notes: Started a Progress Note but need to switch to a Discharge Summary? Use the convert notes function. 

Bonus: Note Workflows

  1. Each new case must begin with an Initial Evaluation
  2. Forwarding Notes: Assistants can forward documentation for their supervising therapist to finalize.
  3. Assistant Workflow: The settings to allow Therapist Assistants to finalize notes in SOAP 2.0 are the same as in 1.0. 
  4. Medicare Compliance/Plan of Care: SOAP 2.0 alerts you when the patient’s Medicare Plan of Care is expired.
  5. Update Progress Note Title: You can rename a Progress Note at the individual note or Template level. This is purely a name change and does not impact the fields that appear on the note.

Bonus: Reporting and Alerts

  • System-generated and Custom Alerts: Learn the alerts available within the SOAP 2.0 patient record and how to add custom alerts.
  • At a Glance Alerts: Understand how your At A Glance alerts are impacted by SOAP 2.0. 
  • Analytics: All data related to SOAP 2.0 notes appear in Analytics (and will not show in EMR Reports). Learn how to use Analytics to review your productivity metrics.
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