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Patient Status: Inactive

If you utilize WebPT Billing, there are limits to when you can inactivate a patient. This is because inactivating patients inappropriately creates errors in your data between Analytics and Billing.

Inactivating a patient removes the patient’s data from Analytics, significantly impacting charts, comparisons, and reports. If a patient is set to inactive in the WebPT EMR while there are open transactions in WebPT Billing, financial and referral reports will not accurately reflect patient information.

Inactivation Rules

Patients who are considered Active in Billing or have scheduled appointments in the WebPT EMR cannot be set to the Inactive status. For example, if a patient has active charges in Billing they cannot be set to Inactive.

The EMR will prevent you from inactivating patients that meet the following criteria:

  • The patient has a balance other than $0.00 in Billing
  • The patient has a finalized note with charges
  • The patient has an appointment on the Scheduler

If one of the above criteria is true, an error message will appear to prevent you from inactivating the patient. This alert provides information related to the reason the patient cannot be set to Inactive. We recommend using the alert to address the open transactions in WebPT Billing and/or appointments in the Scheduler.

This alert provides information related to the reason the patient cannot be set to Inactive. We recommend using the alert to address the open transactions in WebPT Billing and/or appointments in the Scheduler.

Duplicate Patient in WebPT Billing

Inactivating a patient in the WebPT EMR does not change the patient's status in WebPT Billing. If the patient you're inactivating is a duplicate, you can email updates@webpt.com and request that the duplicate patient records be merged in Billing. Please share both patient account numbers and indicate which account you'd like to keep.

Company Admin Permissions

Users with Company Admin permissions can override the inactivation rules and inactivate patients that meet the criteria above. This typically would only be used in instances where a duplicate patient was accidentally created, or inactivating test patients. 

  1. After confirming the patient is a duplicate patient, navigate to the patient record you wish to inactivate.
  2. From the Patient Info section, select Edit in the top right corner.
  3. Select the flag to indicate the patient is a duplicate. 
  4. To inactivate the profile, select Inactive from the Status drop-down menu at the top of the profile.
  5. Complete the inactivation of the duplicate record and save your changes by selecting Save Patient at the bottom of the page.

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