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Clinic Report Card

The Clinic Report Card is a more detailed view of the Clinic Ranking Report. Each of the OMTs are broken out by the number of outcomes, the rank, the clinics ranked out of, and the percentile for that item. 

In this article, we’ll cover

Locate and Run the Report

Only a Company Admin can access Outcomes Reports.

  1. In the Reports toolbar, select Outcome Reports
  2. In the National Reports category, select Clinic Report Card
  3. To run the report, you will select the date range you’d like to report. 
  4. You can also select the location tab and choose a specified clinic or clinics.
  5. Once you’ve selected the report parameters click Run Report at the top of the screen. 
  6. Your report opens in a new window as a PDF. Make sure to enable pop-ups in your browser settings for http://app.webpt.com

Clinic Report Card Field Descriptions

The report card grade is calculated by combining rankings and the percentage of MCIDs met. 40% of the National Rank is from the patient perceptions section on the top half of the Report Card. 60% of the final rank is from the outcome measurement tools section on the bottom half of the Report Card. 

  • Number of Outcomes: Count of OMTs completed for the date range
  • Rank: Position your clinic achieved for those OMTs.
  • Ranked Out Of: The total number of clinics (of similar size) this clinic is being compared to
  • Percentile: The percentile the clinic falls into based on their ranking.


The scoring for the Clinic Report Card is as follows:

  • A+ Met the MCID at least 90% of the time and ranked in the top 5%
  • A Met the MCID at least 90% of the time and ranked in the top 10%
  • A- Met the MCID at least 85% of the time and ranked in the top 25%
  • B+ Met the MCID at least 85% of the time and ranked in the top 50%
  • B Met the MCID at least 80% of the time and ranked in the top 75%
  • B- Met the MCID at least 75% of the time and ranked in the bottom 25%
  • C Met the MCID at least 65% of the time and ranked in the bottom 25%
  • D Met the MCID at least 60% of the time and ranked in the bottom 25%
  • F Met the MCID less than 50% of the time

Key Data Notes

  • The Pain, Satisfaction, Functional Improvement, and Goals Met will be ranked out of more clinics due to these fields not being test specific and the questions are available on every OMT.
  • The number of outcomes listed for Pain, Satisfaction, Functional Improvement, Goals Met are the total number of completion of care outcomes with the satisfaction questions listed. (This number should match the numbers below it added together if the satisfaction questions were available on every OMT counted)
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