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Clinic Ranking Report

The Clinic Ranking report shows your national rank among all clinics in WebPT Outcomes with a breakdown of different metrics. 

In this article, we’ll cover

Locate and Run the Report

Only a Company Admin can access Outcomes Reports.

  1. In the Reports toolbar, select Outcome Reports
  2. In the National Reports category, select Clinic Ranking Report
  3. Select the date range you’d like to report on.
  4. Select a month and year for your report, then click OK
  5. Select each clinic location you’d like to include. Note: If you do not select a specific clinic, the report defaults to all clinics. 
  6. Once you’ve selected the report parameters, click Run Report at the top of the screen. 
  7. Your report opens in a new window as a PDF. Make sure to enable pop-ups in your browser settings for http://app.webpt.com

Clinic Ranking Report Field Descriptions

This report displays the number of clinics in your cohort and your rank within that cohort. It gives you a letter grade, just like a report card, based on the % MCID of all your patients. This report also shows what percentile your clinic is in for your average scores for pain scale, patient perception, and OMTs.

Note: Only patients with a complete data set are represented in these numbers. A complete data set is comprised of a completed outcomes survey on the Initial Evaluation and Discharge Summary. However, if the case has a Progress Note with a completed outcomes survey and the patient was Quick Discharged, the system will convert the Progress Note Survey to a Discharge survey. This ensures a complete data set for patients who self-discharge, or are otherwise unable to complete their course of care.

In order for a clinic to be assigned a rank, they must have a minimum of 25 complete data sets. The grade given is based on % of MCID met and uses this grading scale:

Many of the items listed on this report are output as a percentile. i.e. If you’re in the 81st percentile, then you ranked better than 81% of the clinics in that particular OMT or survey question. Another way to look at this statistic would be that only 19% of clinics ranked better than you for that item. 

  • A: 90-100 
  • B: 80-89
  • C: 70-79 
  • D: 60-69 
  • F: 0-59 

  • National Rank: Based on the average for all OMTs that are risk-adjusted
  • Grade: Letter grade based on the % MCID met (72% = C in the example above). 
  • Pain: Percentile rank for average scores on the pain scale for risk-adjusted OMTs. 
  • Satis. (Satisfaction): Percentile rank based on the average score for patient satisfaction average score. 
  • Funct. Imp. (Functional Improvement): Your rank for average scores on this patient-perceived improvement question. 
  • Goals Met: Rank for the average score on this patient-perception question on whether they feel they’re meeting their goals. 
  • DASH: Percentile rank for Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand OMT. 
  • LEFS: Percentile rank for Lower Extremity Functional Scale OMT. 
  • NDI: Percentile rank for Neck Disability Index OMT. 
  • ODI: Percentile rank for Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain OMT. 
  • % Met MCID: Percentage of cases where the MCID was met.
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