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Patient Visit- Medicare G Codes Report

The Patient Visit- Medicare G Codes report captures all of the important data from completed OMTs for a specific patient and it includes suggested G-codes to use for billing, along with the patient’s history of Severity levels for this specific OMT. 

Note: The functional limitation reporting (FLR) requirements were discontinued as of January 1, 2019, per the 2019 physician fee schedule ruling. This means this program no longer applies to Medicare. However, because some commercial payers still require FLR, this report may still hold value for you and your clinic.

In this article, we’ll cover

  1. Locate and Run the Report
  2. Patient Visit Medicare G Field Descriptions 

Locate and Run the Report

Only a Company Admin can access Outcomes Reports. 

  1. In the Reports toolbar, select Outcome Reports
  2. In the Patient Reports category, select Patient Visit- Medicare G Codes
  3. To run the report, you will need to search for the patient’s name by clicking the magnifying glass. 
  4. From the Select a Patient pop-up, search for the patient by first name, last name, and/or birth date. Or, scroll through the patient list to locate the patient and click Select
  5. Use the drop-down menu next to Case to choose All Cases or a specific case. 
  6. Once you’ve selected the report parameters click Run Report at the top of the screen. 
  7. Your report opens in a new window as a PDF file. Make sure to enable pop-ups in your browser settings for http://app.webpt.com

    Patient Visit- Medicare G Codes Field Descriptions

    Section 1: Patient name, patient ID, Case key (EMR auto-assigned), Visit Date, Entry Date, ICD Code, Gender, Date of Birth, Area, Clinician, Clinic, Referral Source, Litigation, Direct Access, Payer Class
    Section 2: Suggested G-codes to use for billing, along with the patient’s history of Severity levels for this specific OMT.

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