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Patient Outcomes Tool Progress Report

The Patient Outcomes Tool Progress report gives a summary of the overall progress a patient made based on their OMT scores. 

In this article, we’ll cover

  1. Locate and Run the Report
  2. Patient Outcomes Tool Progress Field Descriptions

Locate and Run the Report

Only a Company Admin can access Outcomes Reports.

  1. In the Reports toolbar, select Outcome Reports
  2. In the Patient Reports category, select Patient Outcomes Tool Progress
  3. To run the report, you will select the date range you’d like to report. 
  4. You will also need to search for the patient’s name by clicking the magnifying glass. 
  5. From the Select a Patient  pop up, search for the patient by first name, last name, and/or birth date. Or, scroll through the patient list to locate the patient and click Select
  6. Use the drop-down menu next to Case to choose All Cases or a specific case. 
  7. Then, choose whether you’d like to include the patient’s name on the report by checking the box next to Include Patient Name on Report
  8. Once you’ve selected the report parameters click Run Report at the top of the screen. 
  9. Your report opens in a new window as a PDF file. Make sure to enable pop-ups in your browser settings for http://app.webpt.com

    Patient Outcomes Tool Progress Field Descriptions 

    The report includes information for each patient case and OMT. Important: Only patients with two completed OMTs appear in the report (One OMT at Initial Evaluation and one other OMT [Follow-up/Discharge]).

    The report summarizes the following: 

    • The patient’s change in points (and percentage)
    • The minimum clinically important change (MCID) for the instrument in points (and/or percentage). 

    • Case: Case title from the WebPT EMR
    • Area: OMT name followed by a summary of the patient’s progress, which states the change in points/percentage from initial examination to current status and the MCID for the OMT.
    • Date: The date in the chart is the date of the OMT was entered (the date the OMT was completed by the patient and connected to a finalized evaluative note). The Date column in the table is the Date of Service. 
    • Type: Initial Eval, Follow-Up, or Completion of Care (Discharge).
    • Total Score: Calculated points from the OMT.
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