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Dissatisfied Patients Report

The Dissatisfied Patients report provides an overview of only the patients who have selected either "Unsatisfied" or "Very Unsatisfied" to the question: “How satisfied are you with the level of care and service provided?”

In this article, we’ll cover

  1. Locate and Run the Report
  2. Dissatisfied Patients Field Descriptions

Locate and Run the Report

Only a Company Admin can access Outcomes Reports. 

  1. In the Reports toolbar, select Outcome Reports
  2. In the Patient Reports category, select Dissatisfied Patients
  3. To run the report, you will select the date range you’d like to report.  
  4. You can further filter the report to show specific therapists, questionnaires, locations, diagnosis, physician, payer class, litigation, and/or direct access.
  5. Once you’ve selected the report parameters click Run Report at the top of the screen. 
  6. Your report opens in a new window as a PDF file. Make sure to enable pop-ups in your browser settings for http://app.webpt.com

    Dissatisfied Patients Field Descriptions 

    Use this report to identify negative feedback from Follow-up or Discharge Outcome Measurement Tools (OMTs). 

    Patient Satisfaction Pie Chart

    This pie chart shows the percentage of both Unsatisfied and Very Unsatisfied patients. “Very Satisfied” or “Satisfied” answers data are not included in these numbers.

    Dissatisfaction by Treatment Area Chart 

    This chart shows the number of patients who selected “Unsatisfied” or “Very Unsatisfied” and separates them by OMTs.

    The table below shows which OMTs are included in each Treatment Area. 

    Trending Chart 

    These are the dates that OMTs were entered or staged with “Unsatisfied” or “Very Unsatisfied” responses for question #2. This report allows you to quickly view if there is a trend in unsatisfied patient responses and potentially identify and resolve those issues. 

    • Staged OMTs have been completed by the patient but have not been connected to an evaluative note)
    • Entered OMTs have been completed by the patient and connected to a finalized evaluative note

    Therapist Breakdown Information 

    This table contains a list of all unsatisfied patients for each therapist.

    • Patient Name: The patient who left the feedback.
    • Visit: Date they left dissatisfied feedback on a questionnaire.
    • Clinician: This is the therapist that signed the evaluative note.
    • Treatment Area:  The shorthand name or category of the OMT used.
    • Diagnosis:  The ICD-9 or ICD-10 diagnosis code.
    • Patient Satisfaction: This will show either “Unsatisfied” or “Very Unsatisfied” based on which answer the patient selected.
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