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Payment on Account Charge Type (WebPT Billing)

Patient payments can now be accepted against an outstanding balance without a date of service.

Payment on Account Settings

  1. In the WebPT EMR, select your clinic name in the top-right corner of the application.
  2. From the drop-down menu, click Clinic Settings.
  3. Locate the Billing Application Settings section and select the Payment on Account checkbox to integrate the payment type with WebPT Billing.

Note: You’ll need to complete these steps for each integrated clinic.

Accepting a Payment on Account

To accept payment against an outstanding balance:

  1. Navigate to the patient's chart.
  2. Select the Patient Payments option
  3. Select Add Payment.
  4. Select Add Charge.
  5. From the Charge Type drop-down menu, select Payment on Account.
  6. Enter the payment in the Amount Due section and select the Paid checkbox.
  7. Select the patient's Payment Method from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click the Play button to save & close.

The payment will then be applied automatically in WebPT Billing against the remaining balance. To learn more about how patient payments posted in the WebPT EMR will flow into WebPT Billing, click here.

Note: Payment on Account payments will not be assigned a specific Date of Service, therefore, they will not follow the Patient Payment Distribution rule for Unassigned Payments.

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