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Beyond the Productivity Report with Analytics Documented Visits Report

The productivity report provides a great snapshot of patients seen and note types completed. But you have specific use cases where you need more details than the report can provide. That's where the Analytics Documented Visits report can help. This analysis grid-style report can be manipulated to give you the productivity-related data you need.

In this guide, we are exploring the following scenario: you provide monthly bonuses to your therapists based on completed evaluative notes, specifically Initial Examinations and Re-evaluations. The bonus varies based on additional details such as whether the patient is new or returning. Unfortunately, the productivity report does not provide additional details on patient or case information. Let’s explore how we can find this information.

  1. First, run the productivity report for the past month to determine the expected totals for each note type. We are looking at January 2018. Remember, the productivity report includes all visits for that type, even no-charge visits.
  2. Let's launch Analytics. Remember that not all users have access to the Analytics portal.
  3. In the Notes section of Reports, choose Documented Visits.

  4. Next, select the custom Date Range.
  5. Because we want to handle bonuses on a per clinic basis, we’ll create a clinic name grouping to segment out our notes by clinic location. To do so, click Options.
  6. Select Group. From the Grouping Column drop-down, choose Clinic Name. Then, click Add.
  7. Next, we want to look at the total number of patients who had a note during this time period. To do this, we’ll use the aggregate function. From that same menu, Select Aggregate. From the Data Column drop-down, choose Patient Name. From the Aggregate Function, choose Count. Then, click Add.
  8. Next, let’s make the entire report appear on the same page. Click Paging. Select Show all rows. Click OK.

Up to this point, our report still shows all note types. However, since our therapists are only bonused based on initial exams and re-exams, we need to filter our results by those note types.

Start by opening the Filter window. From the Filter Column drop-down, choose Visit Type. From the Comparison drop-down, select In List.

For Value, click the (...) button to see all available Visit Type values. Select Initial EvaluationInitial Examination, and Re-Examination. Use the X to close. 

Note: If you are documenting in both SOAP 1.0 and 2.0, you will see slightly different naming conventions. For example, Initial Evaluation is 2.0, while Initial Examination is 1.0. Unhide the Note Source column under Options for additional clarity.

Click Add.

Your filter should appear like this.

We also need to filter out any notes that have not been completed. From the Filter Column drop-down, choose Note Status. From the Comparison drop-down, select In List.

For Value, click the (...) button to see all available Note Status values. Select Active and Signed. Use the X to close.

Click Add.

You should now have two filters.

Lastly, group by finalizing therapist, to get the count of Initial Exams and Re-Exams for each therapist.

Note: Your visit counts may not match the Productivity Report exactly. This is because Analytics only pulls information on Billable Visits. No charge visits are not counted in Analytics reports but are included in the Productivity report. This is important as you don’t want to bonus therapists based on visits that were not billable.

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